After her slash, Orchid's blade didn't seem to put the drake down. Aron moved in to intercept and distract it, and so Orchid would dash forward, plunging her glaive into the side of the drake. However it was for naught; by the time Her blade struck, Najila's eldritch blast had managed to slay the beast. All Orchid could do was cut off it's head, mainly to ensure it's death and partly as a trophy. Taking a knee to breath, Orchid looked around the room and towards the others. [color=firebrick]"We're safe for now. But that damned wizard escaped. He'll have to chase him down and find him before it's too late. I don't know what spells he's capable of, but from what I can guess he's used at least two second levels for Invisibility, one on himself and this drake since it appeared out of thin air. Unless there's more mages here..."[/color] Orchid just sighed as she stood up. [color=firebrick]"No matter."[/color] Orchid looked to Angus. She was still annoyed at how he had put himself in such a perilous position just charging out towards the enemy without the rest of the party. Frankly she doesn't expect him to even stay much longer, assuming he didn't immediately just stand up to continue the chase. [color=firebrick]"Whatever element of surprise we had is gone now. Even the wizard himself knows that we're here and coming after him. We've no choice but to give chase, less he take this opportunity to hold the rest hostage and prevent us from saving them."[/color] [hider=Rolls and Info] Orchid HP: 32/34 Armor Class: 18 (Chainmail and Shield) Weapon: 1D10+3 (Glaive) - Thrown Status: Looking for the Employeer [/hider]