Angus returned to consciousness just in time to watch the drake fall. "Bloody dragon-likes." Angus muttered before pulling himself up again. "Cheers fer that." Angus said to Azzen. "I'll be buyin' ya two rounds it seems." "Now stop being so reckless, again." Azzen said. "Yeah yeah." Angus said noncommittally with a wave of his hand. "Are we safe again?" A small voice asked quietly. Angus turned to see Celeste peeking out from around a corner. "Aye." Angus replied after he reclaimed his javelin from the drake and spat on its corpse. "Yes, we are safe for now. But stay close to us, Celeste. The employer escaped, and he could easily come back." Najila said before looking to the others. "Are you all alright?" "I'll be fine in an hour." Angus said as he sat himself down on a nearby bench before looking to Azzen. "You. Yer a bard, aye? I dunnae suppose ye know the Song o' Rest. I could certainly use it right now." "What happened?" Najila asked "You seemed to be having quite a discussion with that employer." "Sarfyr's 'is name." Angus said. "After I took down the bastards who tried to get in me way. Sarfyr stopped me from followin' the sods that slipped passed to go after you. We chatted fer a bit. He asked some questions. I asked some questions. It was all very boring. Then you came along an' then the bugger' 'ad that dragon-like bring me low." "We're safe for now." Orchid spoke up. "But that damned wizard escaped. We'll have to chase him down and find him before it's too late. I don't know what spells he's capable of, but from what I can guess he's used at least two second levels for Invisibility, one on himself and this drake since it appeared out of thin air. Unless there's more mages here... No matter. Whatever element of surprise we had is gone now. Even the wizard himself knows that we're here and coming after him. We've no choice but to give chase, less he take this opportunity to hold the rest hostage and prevent us from saving them." "If ye wanna press on, go right ahead." Angus said. "But I ain't movin' from this spot fer at least an hour if I can 'elp it".