Orchid was surprised to see Angus wanting to stay put, however she was also annoyed. [color=firebrick]"[i]Now[/i] you want to stay put after getting beaten down and brought back up."[/color] Orchid rubbed her eyes and looked towards the next area. [color=firebrick]"If we rest now, that gives the wizard more time to prepare to trap us in, kill off the others, and escape us. Not to mention my current enchantment won't last the whole hour rest."[/color] Orchid looked up to Najila and Celeste. She was stern and serious. [color=firebrick]"We can't afford to wait here and expect to be able to escape with everyone intact. If we do wait, I don't recommend we try and save the others. It'll be too late for them and I doubt it'll be pretty either. If that madman was willing to cut off your horn for his curiosity, just imagine what they'll do to the others now that he knows we're coming after him. He wouldn't even need a whole hour to do so. At most, ten minutes to kill or disembowel the others, and fifty minutes to let them die slowly. If that's what you want to see, that is what will happen if we wait here for another hour."[/color] [hider=Rolls and Info] Orchid HP: 32/34 Armor Class: 18 (Chainmail and Shield) Weapon: 1D10+3 (Glaive) - Thrown Status: Conversing [/hider]