[@Lugubrious] [color=9e0b0f][b][h1]Doom Slayer[/h1][/b][/color] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/avatar_e82122c34cd9_128.gif[/img] Level 1 Doom Slayer Location: Dead Zone Word Count: 276 The Slayer was disappointed that he could not fully pull the head off of the demonic dragon. The blood staining his suit, but he quite liked the new paint. Listening to what the half demon was telling him, he was sure it was some sort of demonic fuckery. Another hypothesis could be the UAC once again trying to open the gates of hell. Sometimes he wonders why he keeps trying to save these people. However he still had hope for humanity, despite their many faults. Looking over at the flamboyant demon speaking to him, "If i think you are not a threat to humanity...then we will not have a problem" He spoke with small tone of threatening the both of them. He was going to watch them to make sure they do not cross the line. If they did then he would look like a fool, and he would need to correct his mistake. Following behind them, where the group, he didn't care about the details of where they come form. His job was to send these demonic bastards back to hell. Once again looking over at the bishounen demon, Nodding his head wanting to stop where he though the demonic source was. He wondered if the cat girl was a demon of some kind. Looking up at the tall tree he had a bad feeling about it.