"Oh, well that's lovely news," said Doctor Sylvanius, reaching up to pinch your cheek affectionately. "What a lovely young man you are." She goes ahead and dodders inside, sitting right at the back as the Kingbots continue their rampage, met with the combined energy of all those who fight for the smiles of others. * "Don't let her give you any shit," said JuneBird - having not quite finished chewing through her restraints but still having made it down the aisle to congratulate you as you pass. Johnathan Jonestar had flexed magnificently but silently, tears running down his eyes, the ultimate sign of respect between warriors. "This is amazing!" said Cinders, shaking smoke off the edge of her fists. For the past three years she's just been practicing with the augments she has. She has decided to at least graduate from university before she commits to the hero lifestyle - but from the grin she's giving you think that it might be for her after all. "Thank you for everything!" *teleports behind u* "look after urself, kiddo," said Vault. Surrounded by the cheers, tears and best wishes of all your friends and allies, it's a short walk down the aisle to the Assault Vehicle. The key turns in the ignition and the engine purrs like a lynx, and in its voice is the promise of [i]anywhere[/i]. THE END