[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200601/099f2749caa2a1aba0c78383ff7e0f06.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wERiJRU.jpg[/img][/center][indent][indent][indent][hr][hr][color=pink][i]"CARTER OVER HERE!"[/i][/color] Of course, Carter recognized Stella Lambert's voice anywhere, though he couldn't help but crack a smile and shake his head at how [i]enthusiastic[/i] she seemed to be and how loudly she'd screamed his name. Hell, she'd even managed to turn a few heads in her direction because of it. The attention of said onlookers was redirected shortly afterwards, however, when the music suddenly came to a stop. Shooting a curious glance at the DJ booth, Carter spotted some brown-haired, gangly kid standing there with the microphone in hand; the young man paused mid-step and craned his neck to see what was going on. His name was [i]Ryland Aspen[/i], apparently. Carter didn't have a clue who this guy was, though he felt that the name was somewhat familiar. He was sure he'd heard Chanel mention the kid once or twice. His suspicion was confirmed when Ryland mentioned who he thought to be the "cool kids" of King's and issued a public apology to none other than Ariel Grey. [color=#CCC6EA]"Well I'll be damned,"[/color] Carter said with a smirk as he took a quick look in Ariel's direction to check out her reaction. Assuming that Ryland was finished with his little announcement, Carter was about to continue his walk towards Stella, only to freeze again when the guy started [i]singing[/i] a pretty well known Shawn Mendes song. [i]What in the Hell was going on?[/i] Soon after the Dancing started, Ryland ended up asking Julie MacMillan to dance with him, and when she accepted the room erupted in applause. Of course, Carter briefly joined in on the clapping before hurriedly making his way to the girl he'd been waiting to see. [color=#CCC6EA]"Well, looks like he beat me to it. Dammit, Ryland."[/color] Carter said jokingly as he came to a stop in front of Stella. [color=#CCC6EA]"April, Santiago. You two look good tonight."[/color] Carter said while nodding his head in greeting to the couple. [color=#CCC6EA]"And [i]you[/i]-"[/color] Carter said as he redirected his attention to Stella, grabbed her by the hand, and spun her in a quick circle. [color=#CCC6EA]"You look [i]very[/i] beautiful. Enjoying the dance so far?"[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]