Elliot didn't believe himself better than everyone else, so he wasn't really the sort to talk to you and forget you ever existed unless you were a real pain. Right now, it was more the damn VCs who were the problem for him, and a Walker worker/technician just what he was looking for. Besides, he was use to talking to people who kept to themselves like he did everyone else. How else could he talk to Grace? Of course, chances are, Ferra was actually giving her real name, whereas Grace might've been - and probably was - a fake name she was using for personal reasons. Handshake done, Ferra began to explain that she'd be perfectly fine with getting some deployment with him and whoever he's with...provided she could get the go-ahead of the man in charge. Ah, yeah... It leads right back to Sergeant Whittaker. Strictly speakin', he and the Sarge weren't on the same wavelength, sometimes, but he understood that Elliot was a decent soldier doin' the job he'd been training for. That he was a bit cavelier when the moment wasn't so important didn't always jive with 'im, but he'd listen to him about this. Getting attached to a Walker crew and blasting out some of the hidey-holes was a damn-good plan at a time like this. The 'Congs were getting too bold, so they needed to get their asses blown off for a while to set them straight. [color=0072bc][b]"I'll get his attention. Guy's busy, but he won't want me idle when I wanna go out. That means making a team, and that means getting a say in what I need."[/b][/color] After all, he made an [i]excellent[/i] case for Grace, who was now returning with bottles in hand, the beer offered to him without a word. He gave an appreciative nod, putting away his codebook to crack open that sucker and take a drink. After that, he indicated his head to the Albino who was quietly drinking her soda. [b][color=f7941d]"This is Grace. She joined up with us a while back. Been here [i]years[/i]. Speaks the language [i]perfectly[/i]. Doesn't really talk much, though."[/color][/b] She just nodded at this, affirming her usual silence. Elliot would handle things once this little break of his was done. He didn't exactly wanna go bothering the Sarge with beer in hand. He wouldn't like that very much. Not fucking [i]at all[/i], to be honest.