[right] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hhWXgO1.png[/img] [/right] Yvaine listened to their young professor in rapt attention as he explained the nature of mana, the power of a Lexicon, and the significance of control. The lattermost was a subject she was very familiar with, one drilled into apostles from the moment they set foot in the priory. Discipline above else was prioritized and all the nuns endeavored to teach different ways of learning to channel and control one's mana. Yvaine in particular had favored the ways of Sister Agatha, who was in charge of the mystic class. She had taught all manner of techniques used to attain the three-fold mind, states derived from the celestial bodies. From the Moon, serenity. From the Sun, clarity. From the Stars, tenacity. It was said that mastering all three was necessary to perfect one's control over their mana, but each mental state on its own has its benefits. The professor's sudden call for one-on-one (on-one, in her case) bouts meant she would have to use these techniques in practice. It seemed Avalice would never cease to amaze her with its constant surprises! Yvaine was excited, though, so much so that she completely overlooked the high stakes involved. She had observed many practice fights like this in the priory, and she had always wondered what it was like to participate in one. Professor Nyx has given her this chance now; she only hoped she could make him—and her opponents—proud with her efforts. After wishing Mandi and Sophiel luck with their own matches, Yvaine headed over to find her group. Immediately her eyes were drawn to a flash of blue and the fine attire; there was something about the first boy that made Yvaine feel immediately comfortable. Across from him was someone taller with robes that she recognized from her books as Suanneipuan in origin. Contrasting what she felt earlier with the boy with the azure soul, Yvaine's initial impression of him was one tinged slightly with gray discomfort. Yvaine appreciated his scholarly mannerisms and civility, but there was something in him that brought to mind the bleak rigidity of the priory. Ah, but one must not be so quick to judge! Yvaine knew that first impressions never gave you the whole story. She would just have to get to know them better later. Right now, she had to focus on giving it her all—anything less would be disrespectful. [color=#fcd17d]"Well met, Kress, Misaiya,"[/color] she smiled at each in turn, a giddy sort of excitement gleaming in her eyes. [color=#fcd17d]"Let us all do our best!"[/color]