[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z6cC6JC.png[/img][/center] Alicia nodded to herself with a grim satisfaction as her arrows landed, gouging at the tentacles on the Monster Queens back. It served a useful purpose too, preventing the tentacles from lashing into someone else as they were destroyed. Blows not just her own landed in quick succession, before it ended with her being bound in chains and hoisted through the roof. Unfortunately it did look like Amaryllis had been grabbed in spite of her acrobatics. Of course she'd seen enough to know that the Knight could probably handle herself even in a situation such as this, but she appreciated the offered boost nonetheless. She was fine fighting at range, but others could certainly use it. [color=aba000]"Got it,"[/color] she called back, so they were aware she had heard what they said. Getting in each others way was something of a concern, and so her arrow output diminished to ensure she didn't interfere with her allies attacks. At the very least, it remained that way until Shane had finished with his lightning assault. Then she resumed firing with a cluster of tightly aimed beams of light. They rose through the fog filled air to scorch and burn, striking at the wound that Shane had just made, or at the very least directly opposite it so the Monster Queen could not simply focus on healing one wound. That would also divide its attention, giving Amaryllis her opportunity to make a move. She was angry, but she wasn't going to sacrifice victory for emotion. Especially not when they could better fight the Queen above ground. She'd just need to be ready to move when the time came. [sub][@BrokenPromise][@Ariamis][@ERode][@Crusader Lord][/sub]