[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/epfv056.gif[/img][/center] Danielle had been distracted by a particularly goofy group of classmates dancing like no one was watching, only getting pulled back to reality at the sound of a familiar voice. A smile immediately spread across her face as her eyes met up with her cousin's, seeing his arm wrapped around his boyfriend. It was cute seeing them together. Archer always looked so happy with his beau standing beside him. Made her happy just seeing it. [color=#FF7A00]"Hey."[/color] she began, not knowing how else to respond to his unfinished question besides a smirk, as if to say 'I'm sure you know the answer.' Seems he did, since he never did finish his sentence. She just rolled her eyes and laughed, looking off towards where she'd seen her other cousin go off to, a bit of confusion flashing across her features when she didn't find him. Dani would let it go quickly, though. It's not like she was here to babysit him, anyway. She turned her attention back to her cousin, beaming at him. [color=#FF7A00]"Heh, thanks. I-"[/color] The music had come to a sudden stop and the crowd of kids in the room were looking just about as confused as she was, it seemed. Danielle's focus was ripped away from her cousin, friend and new acquaintance when a voice carried out over the crowd, silencing everyone in the club. She watched with much confusion as Ryland made an announcement and even began singing his way towards a girl. [color=#FF7A00][sub]Someone had a bit too much punch.[/sub][/color] The girl inhaled sharply, turning her attention back to her friends about halfway through the whole ordeal, catching a glimpse behind them of an old friend of hers. She made a mental note to go catch up with him later. With them all standing there, Archer and Kavan paired up and.. well, Jasper and Dani were both dateless for the moment. The girl definitely wasn't going to commit further social suicide by dancing with her cousin(s). Danielle peaked over at Jasper, smirking as she mumbled, [color=#FF7A00]"Now, I'm not gonna go serinading you like Ryland just did to that poor girl, but uhm.. care to dance, er.. somethin?"[/color] Suddenly her heart was racing in her chest. She'd never really been one for school dances, and she more-or-less had two left feet... but even so, I'm sure this would call for some good memories to look back on. Like Ryland, she'd just moved back after some years away from home.. it was the last semester of senior year. What did she have to lose?