Jennifer and the brothers were patient with Charlie, as she was just learning the ways of combat. Mistakes and mishaps were common, as the turtles themselves weren't masters as of yet, in spite of one claiming otherwise; they were still students under the guidance of a mentor. All it took, was a bit of practice. Although in Jen's case, she was self-taught, rather than one taking instruction from a teacher. However, she was modest, and took this particular experiences as a way of taking pointers, in order to correct the things she initially thought were perfect. [i]Everyone[/i] was learns something new, everyday. That last comment apparently pushed it for the red-bandannaed alpha-like turtle, as he threw his sai into the floor, near one of his brothers' legs, causing Jennifer to flinch. "...maybe not", Donatello took it back quick, until Raphael reached over to take his weapon back. "So what do we do now?!", he demanded, frustrated. "What do you mean, 'what do we do now?", Leo questioned, wondering what was getting his rebel of a brother so worked up. "Splinter's out there somewhere!", he was clearly upset, causing Jennifer to close her eyes, once that very topic was brought up. "I know Splinter's out there", the leader was being remarkably calm, in contrast to Raphael's aggression. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be rubbing off each other nicely, as soon as Donnie and Mikey decided to retreat into the kitchen. "What are we gonna do about it?!" "What can we do about it? April's our only link to these guys. We have to wait until she comes up with something". "Oh, so that's the plan from our 'great leader', huh?" "Guys...", Jennifer voiced from where she was, hoping that her words would calm them down, but it didn't seem to work. "...just sit here on our butts!" "I never said I was a [i]great[/i] leader". "You sure act like it, sometimes!" "Yeah? Well, you act like a jerk, sometimes, you know that! And this attitude of yours isn't helping anything". "...guys!", she tried again. Emotions were being thrown around, and it was painful to watch, especially at a dangerous time. like this. The last thing they needed right now was for them to split up. Her words seemed to make them stop, but it didn't seem to stop Raphael. "Yeah, well, maybe I'll just take my attitude and leave!" "Why don't you?" "I will!" "Good!" "Great!" "Go ahead! We don't need you!" And the rebel turtle was out the door, causing Jennifer to sigh in sadness and disappointment.