Princess Adila stretched her wings and the sudden explosion of wind snuffed all of the lanterns in the great hall. Darkness rushed in but was caught half-formed, for she alone here now burned as her own spotlight. Orange and crimson and violet flames slashed along her form. Two little lights touched down onto her brow and when her eyes snapped open one was of silver fire and the other was of gold. Strong legs tensed underneath her. Breath filled her lungs and she could feel the catch as it ignited inside her. Her tail swayed once, twice, like a ribbon in a breeze, and then fell entirely still. And she [i]moved[/i]. It felt like dragonfire burned in every muscle. The floor shattered underneath her feet. Blinding white sparks hovered in her wake like the after-trails of fireworks. There was a crash, and a pillar shattered as Oberon's body was put through it, barely illuminated by the strobing light of alchemy. Chaotic eruptions of colour filled the black, each one the detonation of impact as talons and tail and wings struck Oberon from all sides. It was a battle in stop motion, each burning moment of violence visible only in the after-trails of the light that poured from Adila. This was the power of devils. This is what it took to dance with no restraints. Oberon had taken the strength of the grandmothers and the ability to endure this dance, but he had not thought to take their grace - and so, left-footed, he missed every step and paid for it with ringing blows. It was not a pretty dance. It couldn't be when only one partner knew the steps and the other was too stubborn and foolish to learn. And then, finally, Adila spread her wings and let free her burning breath. The hurricane of her wings dispersed and directed the flame in a wave, and from her it soared loose to fill every guttered lantern. Light came back into the hall all at once, revealing the wreckage she had left in her wake. The altar is in splinters. The seats are shards of stone. The wedding decorations are ruined. Rider banners burn like candles. And yet not a single spark has brushed a hair on the heads of her friends - they stand protected, each in a low burning heart-shaped ring of fire. A princess must be graceful, after all. With a final, contemptuous flick of the tail Adila sends Oberon sprawling at Kazelia's feet. [Damaging Blood to unleash Adila's true strength]