[hider=Dark and Creepy] [img]https://i.ibb.co/JrC93S1/Harajuku-Goth-Fashion-Vivienne-Westwood-20170716-DSC0329.jpg[/img] Name: Cassandra Black Age: 18 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Birthday: October 31 Sexuality: Straight Appearance: Cassandra is a natural platinum blonde, with chocolate brown eyes. She's a bit on the tall and willowy side, five foot eight and one hundred sixty pounds. She embraces the goth look, and has a lot of textured black dresses. Her palms are scarred from ritual bloodletting. Personality: Cassandra plays 'moody and depressed' to the hilt, but it's all a [i]very[/i] good act. She might behave like that in public, but get her alone, and she lets her hair down somewhat. She has quite a smart mouth on her, and that can get her in trouble somewhat. That said, she also has a knack for getting out of said trouble as well. She's also a voracious reader, and can often be found in her room with a book. Bio: Cassandra's home life was... not the best. Her parents were always arguing, and her father was a bit too much into the booze. One night, after a truly epic bender, he crossed the line and struck her mother for the first time. In her rage and terror, Cassandra instinctively unleashed her magic for the first time, knocking her father down with a blast of force. That's when she knew she wasn't normal. It turned out Cassandra's mother was a witch who was no longer practicing magic. With her help, the coven intervened, managing to get legal guardianship of Cassandra, teaching her to strengthen and control her powers. She made a few friends and did some small jobs for the coven, and now, she eagerly awaits full membership among the Sisters of the Dying Branch. Notable Rumors: Some in the coven have claimed that she's so good at curses that there might be some distant demonic blood in her veins. It's not true in the slightest, though. Fears: Cassandra is very claustrophobic. Inside the coven's walls, she knows she's safe, but otherwise, if she gets in tight spaces, she can easily have a panic attack. Magic: Expert in curses. Born on Halloween, a night when black magic runs wild, Cassandra has a talent for the Dark Arts. She can inflict all sorts of malevolent spells on her targets. However, her most powerful magics require ritual and prep time, meaning that in a straight fight, she has to rely on lesser hexes. Moderately skilled in enchanting. While nothing truly spectacular, Cassandra has made herself a small toolbox of magic items for both fun and function. Probably the most impressive is a dress that can change color, fabric, and cut with a thought. Terrible at astral projection. For whatever reason, separating her spirit from her body is a skill she struggles mightily with. It makes her poor at intelligence-gathering missions, as she can't use one of the most effective spying techniques witches have. Other: Cassandra has spent years looking for a familiar, but so far, the right one hasn't crossed her path. Color: [color=DCDCDC](Gainsboro)[/color] [/hider] [hider=The Happy Medium] Name: Rebecca Delacroix Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Age: 17 Birthday: June 6 Sexuality: Straight [img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.iPSyYbrdp-G9FajnZjvIdwHaFj&pid=Api&P=0&w=223&h=168 [/img] Rebecca is a rather petite young redhead with piercing blue eyes that seem to be able to stare straight into your soul. She stands five feet even, weighing a hair over 100 lbs soaking wet. Not exactly the figure you expect for a potentially powerful witch. Her wardrobe is similarly off-kilter- a ton of flamboyant pinks and yellows. That said, she does break out the black robes for rituals- she absolutely [i]loves[/i] playing up the witchy stereotype among the coven. Personality: You'd probably think that someone who deals with the dead on a daily basis would be dark and gloomy. Au contraire, mon ami- it only makes Rebecca love life and sunshine all the more. Her ideal life is carefree fun, hanging loose and just relaxing the day away. Alas, she does have to do work for the coven, and when it comes to that, she's all business. She truly does care about her sisters and brothers in the coven- she just doesn't like to admit it much. Bio: Rebecca's French on her father's side, but takes after her Irish mother. The family hasn't been in the States long; neither of her parents was actually born here, though her mother is a talented diviner. Her father doesn't have any magical skill himself, but at least knows of it, and has figured out enough to occasionally help Rebecca in her magical studies. As for herself, Rebecca's powers first manifested at the age of four, when she managed to make her dolls levitate. At six, she saw her first ghost, and by nine, she had helped him cross over. She's made a fair few friends among the dead, as well as the living. Now, with her initiation coming, she's eager to test the limits of her powers. Notable Rumors: It's been said that Rebecca will hold seances for money. This is true, but she only charges enough to cover ritual supplies, [i]never[/i] for a profit. There’s also been claims that she’s romantically involved with a ghost. Not true- there [i]was[/i] a date, but they mutually agreed to keep it as friends. Fears: Rebecca's scared of deep water. She can handle swimming in a pool, but that's about it. If only someone could teach her a waterbreathing spell... Magic: Excellent at mediumship. Rebecca has a deep connection to the spirits of the dead, able to see and speak with them at ease. She is also capable of taking them into herself temporarily, allowing her to make use of their skills and knowledge. She can even allow them to use her body, though she makes them sign a magic contract first to limit what they can actually do- she's not [i]that[/i] stupid. Excellent at astral projection. Having spent so much time working with the souls of others has made it a simple task to work with her own. She's often in her astral form while her physical body sleeps, to get more work done or have extra time for relaxation. Poor at beast magic. Rebecca has tried many, many times to speak with animals, or even turn herself into one. It always ends poorly. Borderline incompetent at elemental magic. No matter how hard she tries to work with the physical world, Rebecca can barely get a speck of dust to twitch or freeze a raindrop. It's just not her thing. Other: Her familiar is an old black tomcat named Lucky. He may [i]look[/i] like an escapee from a PETA ad, but he's really well loved. It's just that he never met a fight he didn't like, and he's lost the vast majority of them. [img]https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/sei_18079910.jpg?quality=90&strip=all[/img] Rebecca has several ghosts that she considers friends as much as any living mortal. Abigail was a colonial girl who got lost in the woods in winter and froze to death. She spends a lot of time with Rebecca, and the two are amazed at how little boys have changed in the past two and half centuries. Mike joined the U.S. Army underage in 1942, and got himself killed by friendly fire over Sicily the following year. He’s the one she had a date with. Jennifer is the only witch of the three- she died from a botched spell in the eighties. She serves as a sounding board for Rebecca’s magical learning. [/hider]