[center] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200603/6c6ab1c32dfe78da72de253309b0d9ed.png [/img] [/center] [center] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200603/31b13817e7af43cd0736ed052e218e25.png [/img] [/center] [indent] Man, I'm so proud of how that Font Meme looks. Anyways, I'm interested in running a relatively small-group RP based around globe-trotting adventure, betrayal, ancient ruins, explosions and high-octane excitement like you'd find in an Indiana Jones movie or in a 3-hour play session of Uncharted. The roleplay follows a small group of knowledge seekers, adventurers, grave robbers, and the foolish as they search for the lost treasures of Avalon, including the legendary sword Excalibur. Their adventure begins in the United Kingdom but will extend across the world from the deserts of Syria to the Chateaus of France and ancient coastal castles in Portugal and the Mediterranian. Alliances will shift, friendships will be made and broken, and the balance of the world will be put into question as the heroes fight against and are tempted by an evil group aiming to use the ancient treasure for their own means. The big character hook will be focused on every character having a major character flaw of some sort that the other writers aren't aware of. The flaws could be phobias that force them to abandon their companions in dire situations, greed which may have them consider working for the enemy for a higher paycheck, lies at who they really are...interesting things that can turn the plot on its head. Anyways! I'm working on an OOC for now, but it would be very cart before the horse if people weren't interested in the RP. Lemme know if there's any clarification, interest, problems with my ideas, etc. Take it away Nate! [center] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/ac33b026b69557fb45a0faecb2c81821/tumblr_n9ov6hBkQm1tqldrho2_500.gif[/img] [/center] [/indent]