[hider=Korax] [b]Name, Position and Age:[/b] Korax, First Officer, 247 [b]Species and Appearance:[/b] The Khuxod species arose in intense cold, a planetoid far from the sun of their primary system. This resulted in a composition based in silicon and nitrogen, a hardy species that lives for a long time. Crystalline protrusions sprout from hard skin, and height can vary drastically. This has granted them significant strength, though they do not heal as easily and are required to use specially designed suits to function on a normal ISS vessel. They are also unable to vocally communicate as most species do, and use computers to speak on their behalf. Korax himself is on the slimmer side. Blue crystals rise like nubs from his shoulders, and trace down his back. Fingers are bulky and not particularly tactile with a greyish skin. He does not share the weathering and scarring that some of his older kin possess, and he is tall due to the difference in gravity. Not that it makes much difference for one whose composition is based on silicon. [b]Bio and Personality:[/b] Korax is calm, cool even (a pun he has heard too often). Age and biology do not tend themselves to rapid action, and Korax is more the sort to assess his options and act with an inexorable certainty once he has decided upon his chosen path. He is not quick to anger either, but should he get a grudge he is slow to forget. He's also pretty good to have in a fight too, though he doesn't see much of a point in violence. Korax grew up on the home world of his people, a small ball of rock that had been discovered by an ISA research vessel. he was on the younger side when this happened, and while his people were integrated into this new system he saw the chance to learn more of his place in these stars. This ended up leading him to the ISA Navy, and the Terran Starfleet. He rose up the ranks, carrying out his duties competently and learning quickly. Most notable was an incident at Proxima III involving a solar storm disrupting ships systems during a delicate rescue operation. Korax's actions are noted to have saved the lives of several crewmen, and as a result he was assigned to the ISS Pride when it started on its next tour. Also said was that he was to keep an eye on the Captain and keep him from doing anything particularly rebellious that could result in bad press for the ISA. [b]Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools:[/b] -Korax is both physically strong as well as durable, able to survive wounds that would be lethal to most individuals. -Korax is able to create crystalline protrusions of various sizes, though specializing them for a specific task takes a longer period of time -Tends to lack when it comes to creativity and spontaneous thinking. -Is also not particularly subtle in a crowd. -As a result of his biology Korax must use specialized equipment to sustain himself in normal human acceptable atmospheres, as well as communicate [b]Miscellaneous Info:[/b] -Enjoys zen gardens and bonsai trees -Curious about Astrology [/hider]