[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200512/459a734105d6313d4da197b8c827a27d.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/6065945f-e20d-4724-8c4d-d46f18748c01.png[/img][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/2974074b-5bf8-42ec-9e03-bb6054008223.png[/img][/center] [center]Interacting with: [@Lord Orgasmo][@Crimson Flame][@DankDutch][@AwesomeZero5][/center] Another person showed up, turning them into a small group by now. Nathan looked at his partners Kapurimon and Minomon. [color=00a651][I]"So, why us? There are thousands of millions of people on earth and here we are with just a handful of young people. Is it just chance?"[/i][/color] While Kapurimon decided to stay silent, Minomon gave the answer they were looking for. [b]"Every generation there are a few who got what it takes to save our Digiworld from danger. We call them 'DigiDestined', but they have also gone by other names."[/b] Nathan looked around at the others. He didn't see much that they all had in common, it was hard to tell what exactly made them be these chosen ones. As he observed them, he tried to analyse what their personalies could be like. The last one to join, Peyton, had an appearance that appealed to Nathan somehow. Not in a sexual way but something about it made him want to approach her. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. The other girl of the group, Cadence, was definitely of Italian origin. Nathan could easily tell because one side of his family had Italian roots themselves. For some reason similar origins created some sort of liking towards the other person. So the girls looked alright to Nathan. What about the boys then? Lucas came across particular cheerful but something felt off about it. Nathan had come across too many times where he had to fake happiness to not recognize a hidden pain underneath when he spotted it. He felt like something must be going on in Lucas' life that hurts him so much to force him to put on a charade. The last one, Seth, had this boy-next-door vibe according to Nathan. As Nathan scanned him head to toe, he first didn't read much into it but when he spotted Seth's cross necklace, he cringed. A religious guy? Boy, would there be tension in this group if he ended up being vocal about it.f As they approached the barrows, Nathan frowned at how minimalistic they looked. They looked like some sort of abandoned cult temple. Kapurimon hopped once. [b]"Here we are, the Bleached Barrows. The perfect place for all of you humans to establish a connection with your partner Digimon in order for them to reach their Rookie level."[/b] Nathan took another analyzing look at his partners. [color=00a651][I]"You mentioned earlier that you guys can grow even beyond the Rookie level. Do you keep changing or how does it work?"[/i][/color] Minomon was the one to answer. [b]"Our digivolution stages usually go from egg to Fresh to In-training to Rookie. The Rookie stage is how we spend most of our times while traveling with a human partner. In times of need we Digivolve even further to the ranks of Champion, [/b]