Jase gave a weak smile towards Benjamin and Mike as they walked past, he moved to keep his head down as he walked into the Library, ignoring the different looks he was getting. He looked around before he saw Stuart, he swallowed his fear and moved to sit down a chair across from him. "Good morning." He said with a smile, "I presume you are Stuart? My name is Jason Shyll." He introduced himself, it felt weird to say his full name, "But please, call me Jase." [hr] "I mean you can get a bit manic sometimes." Steph said with a smile to Harriet, moving to open the vial, giving it a whiff before she held her breath and drunk the liquid. She lowered the vial quietly, blinking at the pleasant strawberry taste that lingered in her mouth as Harriet grabbed the Vial from her and moved to put it in a test tube holder. "Aye, I know." Harriet said with a small smile, "At least that's a quirk of mine." She said with a bigger grin before she moved to grab a medical bandage and start taping up around the bottom of Steph's horn. "Fold out your wings for me." She asked, moving to bandage that wound up as well, before moving to the small cuts on her wrists. "And done!" She said as she stepped back with a bigger grin. Steph blinked and smiled at Harriet, looking at herself in the mirror with a small sigh. The mirror seemed to flex the image sightly, showing Steph a vision of her as she was a male and human. She blinked slowly, she moved her arms slowly, only to watch her reflection version do the same. "Harry." Steph started, "What is this mirror?" "Oh!" Harriet said as she moved to stand beside Steph, showing herself as if she was exactly the same. "It shows... stuff!"