Well, it took a heap longer than I had expected it to take, but I imagine that I might as well come along here once more. I do have something to say though, before we even consider continuing. I will have time once more for about a month going forward, but after that I will be more on a two or three day response cycle with much lessened activity. The time before that should be enough to kickstart things on their way once more if we are committed to it, but I fear we may alternatively end up chugging at minimal speed and then fall dead as my activity cannot remain high enough to be a sustaining force. But letting things fizzle off in Limbo isn't much better than that fear coming true. After all, it'd be a shame to lose all that has been built so far, wouldn't it? I await to hear your thoughts on the matter [@Ryonara], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Norschtalen] and [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]. Whether we should continue on, or play the bagpipes in honour to the fallen. Or perhaps you have different ideas altogether?