[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200507/38f87679bd6f933191c61dd68a1dce13.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/9MHWzt0.png[/img][/center] As the small group of newborn-nooby players made their way into the busy streets of Nyu-Taro, the lavender-haired munchkin relentlessly stared at fellow players and the denizens of the the city with doe eyes of wonder and intrigue. She passed some signs boasting a small feminine figure as a tournament winner within the city- it sparked a flame in her tummy, giving the mostly debilitated girl a small burst of energy and a spring to her step as they hunted down for the toothless hobo. He was a filthy, grimy, smelly, deplorable, senile old man who seemingly had difficulty with even basic communication. Calace couldn't help but scowl and remain silent, allowing the others to communicate and haggle with the man for his talismans. There was still a chance that he wasn't even the guy- or even if he was out of these talismans for some reason. Hopefully it could be resolved sooner rather than later. Because she wanted her stats to be improved so she could actually have the energy to run about and explore the town- maybe network with some potential business partners along the way- and eventually reach the level of stardom that people like this Flame Princess has. "[color=orchid][i][b]I need to find someone with that Miko class a s a p.[/b][/i][/color]" Calace spoke quietly, not trying to derail the mission at hand for the others. She wasn't selfish enough to drag some of the others with her to hunt down that temple, at least not this early on. Instead the words were meant for herself as she glanced the perimeter for anyone that might fit that criteria, that way she could b-line for such a person as soon as they got their talismans and starting equipment.