[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zAxsMGx.png[/img][/center] [hr] [quote=Lyss]"That's General Meifeng and one of the other agents."[/quote] “It’s that [i]bitch[/i]?” Maya gaped, eyes narrowing at the two agents in the distance. Her hand automatically went to her cheek where she’d been slapped and she forced back a shudder. Exactly [i]not[/i] what she wanted to think about on a night out. Her hand moved from her cheek to tug through her hair, slight amount of pain from it bringing her back to reality. “You’re right… we should get back stage, I don’t want to deal with them.” Maya also pulled out all the ones she’d gotten upon arriving and tossed them at the stage - best to give them all to Madison, who must need it. She stopped leaning on Lyss to head towards the backstage area… only for Quinn to start absolutely babbling and basically hug Lyss. Maya’s eyes widened - she was huggy when drunk but Quinn was a whole other level. She was definitely wasted. [quote=Taylor]"Either way, are we afraid of a buncha old ladies? They look like leather rags!" [/quote] “Those old ladies pack a punch,” Maya muttered, shaking her head. “Don’t want to get on the wrong side of them… Also they pretty much threatened to kill us, soooo.” She just left that statement standing in the air as she rubbed her head. She really wanted another drink cause the sight of them was a little bit sobering and she was nowhere near as drunk as Quinn, and that looked fucking fun. Dammit why did she share the shots… She’d definitely be thinking a lot less about it if she was more drunk. Lyss’ nudge tore her out of her thoughts, and she realised she’d just been standing there scowling. She quickly changed back to a smile and followed her towards the back of the stage. It was surprisingly quiet… no one seemed to be wandering around and she was kind of disappointed in that. “Hey Madison!” Maya followed right behind Lyss into the backstage lounge even as her eyes were very much fixed on the wall rather than the girl herself. She had no idea if Madison was still changing… and there was no way she wanted to risk that. Also it just wasn’t respectful. “You were really good out there, y’know?” That totally didn’t sound awkward at all. She tried to not blush as she remembered just how good it had been. She was in that weird in between right now, where the alcohol had mellowed her out but she hadn’t had enough to be drunkenly confident. It made for a weird, less brash than normal Maya. “Want to join us for drinks if you’re done working? They’re on me.”