"Does it earn me points? I'm not sure how this whole thing works," Tora replied, smirking as he shrugged his shoulders. Man, Jocelyn was really getting worked up over all of this. Even if he had peeked up her skirt, which he hadn't, shouldn't that be a compliment? All he'd done is look at her legs, that was innocent enough in of itself. Christ, she wore a skirt that exposed them, it was her fault for that then. She could just well have taken the looks in stride and left it be, but instead it was devolving into yet more bickering between them. As if reading his very thoughts she then shot down the idea of it being a compliment, getting an earnestly surprised look out of him. Aw crap, could she hear his thoughts now? He'd heard hers earlier, but Tora had figured that was unintentional and she wouldn't know for the life of her how to do it. Maybe he ought to censor his thoughts from now on too. Or... Then again, if she could hear them then he'd make them even worse, give her reason enough to not want to read them. That seemed much more enjoyable, and frankly a hell of a lot easier. Hardly making it to the stairs before Jocelyn snapped at him again Tora couldn't well keep himself from laughing. "That adamant about it huh? Well shucks, and here I was thinking I'd get lucky on our first date," he teased, grinning as he cocked his head to the side. "Oh yeah, this is pretty much a date. I'm here, at your house, we're having dinner together. Sounds like a date to me!" Again, he was really just blowing smoke at this point. Dating, yet another thing he had utterly no experience with. All of his time had been devoted to practicing and training, and now that he was finally done with that he was too busy working to even consider a girlfriend. It was a shame, sure, but he'd get around to getting one eventually. It wasn't forbidden for an Oracion member to have a lover, there were just restrictions as to what classes you could date. Jocelyn was well out of his league, though that certainly didn't keep him from fantasizing. Knowing full well that it was against the rules of conduct he looked back down at her legs, rather enamored with them already. It was bound to piss off Jocelyn, but then again everything he did already accomplished that. Jocelyn fired off a big one then, coming right out and accusing something of Tora that he very clearly was not. Even so, it got him to blush a furious red, looking at the Princess surprised and abashed. He was definitely not gay, the very thought of being with another man nearly making him hurl where he stood. Gay? Most certainly not! That quip only served to catch him off guard, but the second half of it hit a little harder. So was that the deal, she thought no one could possibly be attracted to her? She had a sharp mouth on her and bigger balls than some guys, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. She was fun once you figured her out, and her looks were definitely a big plus. Yet she still seemed to believe no one could, or would like her. A feeling that Tora understood all too well growing up. He was loud, rude, sarcastic and quick to make a remark, but a lot of it was a sort of buffer. In a lot of ways he recognized that he and Jocelyn were eerily similar. Not a lot of friends, if any, without their parents and awfully mistrustful of the world around them. More than he had realized initially they had quite a bit in common, and he was willing to bet if he dug a little deeper he'd find even more. Adopting a look of sympathy then he gazed down at the Princess, very nearly coming to the point of apologizing to her. "Not a fan of boys, or toasters, sorry to disappoint," Tora replied, his tone surprisingly gentle as he smiled at Jocelyn. Quickly recovering from his momentary lapse he shook his head, grinning and gesturing to Jocelyn nonchalantly. "Bossy girls with cute skirts though? Sign me up!" Aidan joined in the conversation just then, shouting over both of them and demanding Jocelyn get downstairs to eat. Just as well, he was getting hungry at this point anyways. Smiling innocently when Jocelyn gave him a last warning he crossed himself jokingly, following down behind her and into the family room. The smell of pizza greeted him as soon as he stepped into the room, inhaling the smell greedily before eying the pie, eager to eat the entire thing himself if he could. Unfortunately for him there were two others here as well, and taking all the food in someone's house wasn't exactly going to get him welcomed back. Grabbing a paper plate he snatched up the biggest slice he could find, grabbing a can of orange soda as well before plopping his backside down on the couch. Hardly skipping a beat he started to nibble away at his food, doing his best not to down it in three bites and come across a total pig. Boy did it taste yummy though. Glancing over sideways at Jocelyn he gave the Princess a little wink, not at all content to stop their game just because they were eating.