[center][hr][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/W3Gm1YQH/Screen-Shot-2020-05-14-at-8-27-43-PM.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Natsu][hr][/center] [color=7ea7d8]"Well I am a better dancer. Honestly you'd think no one ever taught you about ballroom dancing,"[/color] he said with a small laugh to Guin. It was a well-known fact that Pietro had a bit of an odd skill set, and somethings were just beyond random. Like who in their right mind would actually keep up somewhat with ballroom dance training? Most people wouldn't, but he managed to remember that sort of thing somehow. The song wound down after a little while, and soon it was over. [color=7ea7d8]"So Guina... What do you want to do now?"[/color] he asked her with a smile. Lance glanced over at Carolina when she asked who Elizabeth was talking to. [color=yellow]"Oh, that's Peter Parker, one of the few kids back in high school who was actually nice to me. He's alright and a pretty cool guy overall,"[/color] he responded, though he and Guin at one point were partially convinced at least that Parker was Spider-Man, namely since whenever Spider-Man showed up at a place that Peter was at, he'd mysteriously disappear without explanation. Though he wasn't going to mention that one to the two of them. "Yeah, Stark is pretty cool. That's awesome that he built you something like that," Peter responded with a slight smile to Elizabeth. "Yeah, this is pretty cool party, and I'm glad Guin seems to be pretty happy. Though if you saw her in high school her being in any sort of long term relationship seemed really weeeeeeird. But eh, sometimes people will surprise you." [color=7851A9]"Nice try, classified,"[/color] Hawkeye said, winking at Cass. [color=7851A9]"The kids are happy - the wife is beyond happy. And yes, I definitely miss Abercrombie and Flynn screaming at each other. So many good memories."[/color] [color=fff79a]"This game is strange but... I think I may have you all best!"[/color] Thor bragged, playing his card - [i]a really cool hat.[/i] [color=8493ca]"I mean... Allison is the one who gets to decide that sort of thing,"[/color] Mira said softly, before she glanced through her own cards to try and find something to play. She couldn't figure out what card would fit best in this situation, so she just went with the card that would just be somewhat funny since it was somewhat random - [i]A Bop It[/i]. Wanda blinked for a moment, her eyes shifting a dark red as energy swirled in her hands. A second later though, it stopped. [color=red]"I'm the Scarlet Witch. And I'm not actually pagan, I'm Jewish. I don't celebrate Yule."[/color] [color=A49C63]"And I celebrate neither,"[/color] the Vision interjected, smiling kindly at Iris. [color=A49C63]"It is a pleasure to meet you. I am the Vision. I must inform you that you have a 58% chance of drinking yourself unconscious at tonight's events if you continue to consume alcohol."[/color] Wanda shook her head. [color=red]"No one knows there's a West Coast Avengers team,"[/color] she complained. Wanda stiffened, recognizing the two newcomers to the party. [color=red]"Sranje,"[/color] she cursed under her breath, before running over to her brother and breaking him away from his bride. [color=red]"Otac je ovdje."[/color] Pietro was a bit surprised that Wanda rushed over to them and pulled him off to the side somewhat to talk to him. It was a bit sudden, but even though Guin wouldn't be able to hear what Wanda had said to him, she would be able to see his already pale complexion go even paler. [color=7ea7d8]"Da li ste sigurni?"[/color] [color=red]"Da, naravno da sam siguran!"[/color] Wanda snapped. [color=7ea7d8]"Dobro, shvatam... Izvini što sumnjam u tebe. Samo sam se nadao da grešite..."[/color]