[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200129/2b530ba2297eea5b234b6eed58e3d1df.png[/img][/center] Traversing down the winding tunnel, the Vah’lux released a long-held breath as the path opened up yet again to another pocket full of rats. [i]Why?...[/i] She thought, wiping beads of sweat from her forehead that had inevitably mixed with the dirt falling from the ceiling. There had been a small glimmer of hope that if the group simply ignored the charred chest from the previous chamber, the rats would leave them be. But how absurd a thought such as that was. Perhaps being underground was starting to take its toll on the Goliath’s imagination. No matter, as the creatures of various sizes charged forward with reckless abandon, the lean muscles of the woman tensed as she prepared herself in a combat stance. Although, she hoped to be faster as both humans in front of her were attacked and presumably injured, even as they continued to shove off several of the smaller ones. Vah’lux then noticed Gorosk rush up past her as he too went after the larger rat. But the most obvious had been the creature who attacked and was clinging onto Renault’s arm by it’s putrid incisors. And while the floor was scattered with many, in a split-second decision, Vah’lux turned to swing her ax in order to either slice the rat in half or embed her weapon into its body, thereby causing it to release its grip. [hider=Effects against rat clinging onto Renault] Attack = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/19185]20[/url] Damage = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/19186]7[/url] [/hider]