[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d0/dd/3d/d0dd3d250166ddbc687846faa3bcdf26.jpg[/img] [i]“This is the west, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”[/i] —The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence [/center] Setting: Texas, 1875 General Plot: Characters hired to transport goods. There [s]might[/s] will be trouble along the way. Play by Post Rules: [list] [*] [b]Expected post rate:[/b] Roughly once or twice a week. I'll try to give everyone a chance to get in a post before I post again as the GM. No strict post order. [*] [b]Expected post length:[/b] A paragraph is fine, more welcome of course! It's mostly important that you make it clear what action your character is taking so that I know when/how to adjudicate. [*] The outcome of attacks may be narrated by the player of the defending character. Your characters don't need to be fragile flowers, but take a hit once in awhile, please. ;) [*] If we're in combat and the RP is waiting on you for more than 5 days, I may narrate your character out of the fray to keep things moving. I will attempt to keep it minimal! [*] [b]Character sheet template:[/b] Use whatever style you'd like! If you enjoy creating detailed backstories, go for it! If you'd rather develop your character through the RP, that's fine too. [*] Characters should be human and have no supernatural abilities. If you can envision them accepting a job to transport an item, they'll work! [/list] Where we'll start... (to be personalized a bit more in the IC once we have our cast of characters. Actual RP will be written in 3rd person.) [color=a36209][i]Welcome folks! Your adventures have brought you to the town of Sweetwater south of the Texas panhandle. Still dusty from the road, you headed for the saloon to wet your dry throat. The batwings open into a dark smoke filled room where an elderly man plays a halfhearted song on a badly out of tune piano. The portly Saloonkeeper collects your guns and stores them under the bar before he serves you. The whiskey is rough and the crowd rougher! You’ve fallen into a poker game with a rowdy looking crew and have been winning. In fact, everyone seems to be winning, at the expense of a well dressed man with the thin mustache who goes by the name of Mr. Logan.[/i][/color]