Siobhan stood outside. Inhale. Exhale. She breathed through a smouldering stick of tobacco, feeling her mouth burn and her lungs groan... And her veins still and slow and her mind steady. She was still coming to terms with the fact that she could live her life... Normally. As a person without crippling headaches each and every day. How did one adjust? She had only been in her early twenties (at her best guess) when the pain had started, but now, closing on thirty, the idea that she didn't have to deal with the pain seemed... Wrong. Like a part of her life was missing. A horrible part of her life but one could miss the bad just as easily as they could the good. She would flick her butt and stomp it down, turning to walk back inside Goodnight. Littering wasn't exactly high on the issues here, so she didn't feel too concerned about anyone finding out, and this place was already a concrete splotch against nature, so it wasn't as if she was ruining some pristine wilderness or anything. Nothing held her back- no sudden call from a person or tug of the moon, and so it was that she would end up moping through the rundown locale for the umpteenth time, wondering what, exactly, she was to make of life now. Evenually though, her eyes would be drawn to a figure stretching- she knew the position immediately, because she wasn't exactly a stranger to yoga. When you were constantly moving, you needed a form of exercise that was low-maintanence and could be done without any expensive gym equipment. Pilates, yoga, even simple stretches, but it was yoga she had done the most of, mostly on her plasticy roll mat. Keeping her distance for now, she would just observe- if she seemed ameanable to exercising with others, she'd probably hop on in.