[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200125/6cb99ebd411b7256542c7590874329f8.png[/img] [img]https://imgur.com/G31B73B.gif[/img][/center][right] [sub][color=BFAFB2]1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | [color=44D7A8][u]18[/u][/color] | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 early morning | morning | afternoon | [color=44D7A8][u]evening[/u][/color] | night snow | blizzard | rain | thunderstorm | sunny | mist | cloudy | hail | [color=44D7A8][u]fog[/u][/color] Interaction [@Emma] ; [@Otterpop] ; [color=44D7A8]open[/color][/color][/sub] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NoZJSec.png[/img] [color=44D7A8]【 [/color] [sub][color=BFAFB2] I can finally see it's not just a dream when you set it all free, all free ❤[/color][/sub] [color=44D7A8] 】[/color][/right] [color=44D7A8]‗‗‗‗‗‗[/color] [color=BFAFB2][sub] Chartreuse colored locks fell into the face of a petite woman who jolted upright in her bed. She clutched plush, wrinkled bed-sheets against her body that was clad in an equally as wrinkled nightgown. The straps on one of her shoulders fell down her arms that prickled with goosebumps from the sudden change in temperature. Calloused digits reached up to brush the mess of green locks from her face as she panted softly. Cold sweat covered her entire body, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead away with the back of her hand as she pulled her the mess of tangles back into a loose ponytail. The night terrors that had plagued her the last few months were seemingly only getting worse as time went on. The repressed trauma of her childhood still haunted her- something that she had yet to even tell Willa about. Seeing as Hanne had told Willa about nearly everything that went on in her life, it was extremely hard to keep this from her for very long, and it was only causing her a lot of internal stress by keeping this from her. Though, she did so for a good reason. Willa was unlikely to tell people her secrets- especially one so big, but if anyone else was listening in to their conversation, there was a possibility that she might lose more than her status that she didn't quite care about; her life, on the other hand, was another matter entirely. Grey eyes looked at the sleeping form of her lady-in-waiting. On nights when the princess didn't want to be alone, she asked Willa to sleep in her room, and made up a bed for her on the comfortable window sofa nearby. That bed was likely more comfortable than the one that she was given to sleep in in the maid's quarters. Her unwillingness to sleep alone seemed to be more often than not these days. Hanne knew that it was selfish to keep her from her own living space, but being left alone with her thoughts terrified her more than she would ever be willing to admit. There were a great many things that Hanne had kept from Willa, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before the girl began to ask the questions that she'd skirted around answering for so long. For now though, she would only say it was a bad dream and leave it at that. She pushed the sheets from her lithe frame and moved to sit at her desk- turning on the dim light so that she could see the handwritten notes for the contraption that she had been tinkering with for the past month. “[color=44d7a8] If only I could perfect this. It would make our lives much easier...[/color]” She muttered to herself- trailing off from the unfinished thought. She wanted to create some sort of device that would provide public transportation across all seven of the allied kingdoms. It would be a way that would be less expensive than horses for the common people- not to mention easier on the horses that were used. It would also bridge the gap that would have required a boat to get to the mainland for Graengarder. “[color=44d7a8] I won't have time to mess with the schematics tonight, but when we get home, I think this should work.[/color]” After making a note in the margin of the book, she scratched her nose with the eraser. Maybe if this crazy scheme of hers worked, she could finally gain the respect that her older siblings got from their father, but she truly doubted it. [color=44D7A8]‗‗‗‗‗‗[/color] Later that afternoon, Hanne had dressed herself for the masquerade party that she and her siblings had been invited to attend. She'd always dressed and bathed herself- giving Willa the same excuse that she wanted her privacy and that she didn't need a babysitter to help her do everything. From what she knew, her family and the Cha Clan were close friends and allies, and had been ever since the end of the last Hundred Year War. She wasn't the best versed in history- despite all of the tutors that had taught all of the Guo siblings. She was more the type to want to get her hands dirty. A little oil and grease never really bothered her all that much- likely to the chagrin of Willa who always scolded her for not acting quite like what the people expected of their princess. Before they'd left, Hanne had tested out one of her more notorious inventions that she'd yet to test on her siblings before. It had worked like a charm, and left both Cyrus and Alois stunned with her childish behavior. She loved the looks on their faces when they realized they'd been shot with a water balloon cannon. The accuracy of the cannon could have been improved just a tad, but for this purpose, it had been perfect. Their clothes had been ruined and soaked thoroughly to the point where both of them had to hurry to change into a different set of clothes before they were able to be free from the palace walls. While they hadn't known it was Hanne and Willa who had done it as neither of them had been punished for it, she had a feeling that they knew it was her because very few people had such disdain for the golden children of the Guo Dynasty. She felt as though she was one of the few that disliked the two as everyone looked up to them both. The trip to the Hua'mu Palace was only a few hours, but for the honeydew girl, it felt like ages. She and Willa shared a carriage between themselves while Alois and Cyrus were allowed the other to themselves. It was an inkling of privacy that she felt as though she never got with eyes and ears all over the place. Even now, she hesitated to say anything to her companion. A soft smile pulled at the corners of her lips in an effort to reassure her. “[color=44d7a8] Willa, I wanted to talk to you about the nightmares,[/color]” Hanne drew the curtains to the carriage windows. “[color=44d7a8]They've been really bad lately, and I feel terrible for being so selfish asking you to spend so much time with me. Being alone with my thoughts is terrifying, and you're really the only one I can trust. You're the only one who treats me like a person, and not just a nuisance that my family thinks that I am. I just want you to know that I really appreciate your being there for me, and when we have more time, I want to talk more in length about the 'bad dreams'.[/color]” The carriage jerked to a halt and almost sent her flying right into the lap of Willa. She regained her composure and brushed chartreuse, pressed curls out of her face as she smoothed the skirt of her dress over her legs. The porter opened the door to the carriage and helped them both down. Hanne had witnessed the fog of Hua'mu before, and it still made her feel a bit uneasy as Estrye very rarely ever had this type of weather. It seemed almost ominous in a way. She adjusted the lace mask over her face and gave the eldest princess of Hua'mu a courteous bow. The last time that she was here, Hanne had learned some of their mannerisms after spending a good amount of time in the library in the palace as she searched for books and information on potential new inventions or materials that would help her with her goal to create public transportation. “[color=44d7a8] Happy birthday, Minagi-Chi~[/color]” She offered the greeting before taking Willa's hand and pulling the girl into the throng of people. It was Alois and Cyrus' job to stay and be formal with the Cha's. As grateful and excited as she was to be invited, she really was in no mood to stay and talk further. In her haste, the tall woman hadn't been watching where she was going, and bumped into a small red-head who stood nearly ten inches shorter than her that stood near a table. [/sub][/color]