Mikoto accepted the club president's words. Begrudgingly, but accepted nonetheless. His eyebrow twitched in irritation as Suzuki wagged her finger at him like he was an ignorant child. Mikoto held his tongue, though, if one was close enough to him, they could feel his displeasure as static electricity radiating from his body. However, once outside in the rain, he calmed down. Unlike most of the others, he forwent an umbrella, though he wore his jacket. By the time the rain started to die down, his hair was drenched, but Mikoto felt better. Mikoto almost snarked at Suzuki when the spirit didn't seem to show, but a frightening spectre materialized out of the shadows. His blood ran cold for a moment before the spirit abruptly changed appearance. If Mikoto hadn't watched the transformation himself, he wouldn't have thought they were the same individual. And she seemed familiar with the club president. Mikoto kept his tone formal as he spoke. "No karuta," he said. "Maybe another time. However, our club president wishes to ask some questions. Questions that may be a tad difficult for you, emotionally speaking." [@VitaVitaAR]