"So do I, but I don't think he'd want his family to fall into discord." She said, carefully walking up to him. She still wanted to give him space should he decide to throw more punches and kicks. Charlie hesitated before gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know it might take you a while to calm down, but you have to try to make up with Leo. You can't leave things the way they were." She advised with a little hopeful smile. Unbeknownst to them they were being watched by multiple eyes. One pair was from a not too far away building where a man sat, not believing what he was seeing even with the binoculars. It was the weird punk he met a few nights ago. What was he doing up there? And why was there a girl with him? The other eyes belonged to a group of Foot ninjas who were creeping up on the duo before Charlie sensed something was wrong. She turned around, eyes widening as she saw they were surrounded. "Raph!" She exclaimed, but her warning came too late as one of the ninjas jumped onto his back.