[h3] Dirk Garther [/h3] Dirk pursed his lips. Hm. Should he bother with Val's pistol? The man was clearly no fool, if Dirk had to guess he'd have said that palming the thing was just habit for the man. No it didn't seem likely that he was going to make any rash decisions. "Best to keep your gat pocketed Mr. Valentino." He glanced over his shoulder, "We wouldn't want another officer to peg you. I'd have a hell of a time explaining why I didn't confiscate that right away." Turning back to his driving Dirk continued, "Frankly I'm surprised the two of you came along without any hesitation. What with the both of you having records of evading or resisting arrest, I pictured this going a bit differently." "Almost there gents, just another block."