[@stone] Hmm. Well, I'll try. There's simply been a lot of group RP's that I've done personally, where the GM, or the ones who lead it, are the reason the RP never gets off the ground. So for instance, they make it, make everyone expend their effort making and reworking character sheets, often writing posts and trying to communicate in the OOC. Then they immediately flake out and drop it. Often without a serious reason, beside having the general lack of desire to continue the thing you started. Sometimes, they drop a RP they've created, just to make another one within a ridiculously small window of time. Which, unfortunately, the longer you roleplay, the more you see those types of players showing up. But an easily disinterested player, is just as easily replaceable. The GM however, really, shouldn't be the first one to stop caring about their work. And usually, you will (okay, I will) have to practically pry it out of them, if they mention their enthusiasm for the RP is dead at all. (And every 'CO-GM' I've experienced has done one, if not all three of these things. 1. Cannot actually help you with lore, or cannot answer questions the same way as the GM would. 2. Posts the least and last. 3. First, or one of the first to drop out.) Which honestly, I get. It's usually merely a friend of the GM, looking to provide minimal support and encouragement. But then the GM makes the mistake of making them lead too. When the friend doesn't know about the RP, and might not even want to RP. But they don't want to say "No, I'll stay on the sidelines." to a friend. So instead, they waste all the other players time...) [b][i]*Obviously, this is my own experience that I'm describing.*[/i][/b] There's more and far worse examples, like a GM who got power hungry and banned player after player for not doing precisely what they wanted. But I've basically learned to "set my own example" through the same repeated failings of previous experiences. And I much prefer, 1x1 ghosting. Because I don't need to empathize with all the other players wondering where the GM went. And have long talks about, "someone taking over for the GM", which I also don't have pleasant examples of.