Quiet just chuckled. It was a naturally subdue one due to the way her mouth made noises, thus sounding more like a stiffed cough. [color=gold][i]"The child will learn."[/i][/color] She thought to herself. As they spoke another woman approached, but Sariel had already left to go speak to others. So Quiet turned to the woman, some sort of halfling, waving at her and handing the smaller woman her introduction card. Quiet would bow her head to the woman as she followed Sariel to the table of the knightly person. Apparently they are going to hunt a "Thextera", which Quiet presumed was a creature's name. Sariel wanted Quiet to tag along with her, so which the mute elf nods in agreement. [color=gold][i]"Lead the way."[/i][/color] Quiet would motion with her hand. As Sariel introduced herself, Quite handed out more of her introduction cards. She took note of the armored man, an orc from Sariel's observations, and a wolf beastkin also arrived to the table. It embarrassed Quiet somewhat that despite her age and magical talents, she actually isn't very well versed in magic at all. Her life style didn't really afford her time to stay in one place and receive a classical education in magical arts. So she looked to the armored warrior, motioning to his helm and armor. [color=gold][i]"Nice armor."[/i][/color] She thought to herself, giving him a thumbs up as a sign of her approval. She was rather excited to go on her first quest.