[center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/g105/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQjY4QzI1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/UXVha2U/blow-me-personal-use-regular.png[/img][/center] [i]Snap. Snap. Snap,[/i] went Jamie's fingers. One after the other, her pinky, ring, and middle fingers on her left hand broke. An unwilling, pained gasp escaped from her mouth. She gritted her teeth against the sharp pain and scrunched her eyes shut. Overusing her powers always had an effect like this. By now, her fingers had broken at least ten times in the line of duty. But broken fingers weren't too bad, at the end of the day. With super-powered healers lining the staff of H.E.R.O, they could always be fixed. That didn't mean it didn't hurt like a bitch, though. Working past the pain, Jamie kept blasting Paradox. She assumed, by the gonging noises, that she was doing quite a bit of damage. [i]Good.[/i] This guy seemed like someone they'd want down as soon as possible. And then they could take him to jail and continue... whatever they'd been doing. Jamie opened her eyes and stopped blasting him 15 seconds later. She would've stopped after only two, but he had told her to hit him with her best shot! That hadn't quite been her best (internal bleeding was definitely not her favorite thing ever), but it should've been good enough to knock him out. Yet when she opened her eyes, shock rocked her to her core. He was [i]still standing[/i]! Jamie's mouth dropped. That much of her power would crush a normal person. But he had moved back... what, a couple steps? She stamped her foot, sending a small shockwave through the Earth. She had broken her fingers for that! And it was [i]inadequate[/i], apparently. She didn't really know any of the other words he had said, but she knew inadequate- and it pissed her off. Jamie chose to ignore his next words and the guns coming up from his shoulders, instead raising her hands to blast him again. Broken fingers didn't matter in the face of a villain that could withstand that much power. But before she could, he started to fire these green pellets at her. They looked weird and dangerous, and he had said the word [i]lethal[/i], so she had dropped the ground (stop drop and roll, people!) when Rumi dove in front of her to block the pellets with his cool technology stuff. She frowned and stood, brushing dirt off of her costume. Hitting the ground definitely would've worked! [color=Goldenrod]"Thanks,"[/color] she told Rumi, staying behind him as he had said and observing what was going on with pursed lips and narrowed eyes. If Jamie hadn't been able to take him out, then this would be a hard fight. [@Hitman][@Scarifar] [hr] [center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/vY07/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQUU0Q0M1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/QXJpYQ/salikin.png[/img][/center] Patricia once again held Katharine as she cried- but this time, she didn't have much of an ulterior motive. This girl had done a complete 180 in a matter of minutes. She had gone from saying that heroes deserved to be killed to sobbing into Patricia's shoulder, tearfully declaring that she wanted to be one. She almost thought that the other girl had to be manipulating her, but... this wasn't manipulation. Patricia considered herself to be rather good at reading people, and she could instinctively tell that this girl wasn't the type to trick people. [color=MediumOrchid][i]Oh my God. What the hell?[/i][/color] She would've hugged Katharine closer, but she was still a little afraid of her, so she simply returned the hug. That would have to be enough. She had been about to offer some hopefully profound and life-changing words when she was interrupted [color=MediumOrchid](again?)[/color] by... [i]it[/i] waking up. That was all that Patricia could describe it as. It. She would normally never describe something as evil- it was a generalizing word, not accounting for how people really acted- but she would describe this one-eyed thing as pure evil. Chills went down her spine. It wasn't looking at her, thank God, but she felt a change in the room come on as soon as it woke up. A change in the girl next to her, too- she stopped sobbing and raised her head, pulling away. Patricia blinked rapidly when Katharine spoke again. It had done something to her, she was sure. There was something more going on.[color=MediumOrchid]"No, if you don't want to, you shouldn't, it's [i]wrong[/i]-"[/color] Patricia started. But pain stole her breath. A horrible, ear-splitting headache came on. For a few brief seconds, it felt like there was a hammer inside of her skull. And... she wanted to kill. Grisly thoughts and images filled her brain. [color=MediumOrchid][i]Kill them all kill them all you know you want to you could do it bodies on the floor just think-[/i][/color] But as quickly as it started, it was over. She breathed a sigh of relief, holding her head in her hands and drawing in a sharp breath. She simply stared at Katharine in terror as she left with the thing. Wait. Had she just mouthed what Patricia thought she had mouthed? [i]Escape[/i]? It took a moment of processing for her to realize this. Katharine wanted her to escape. Or did she? [color=MediumOrchid][i]Could be a trap,[/i][/color] she mused. But... the door was unlocked. This was her only shot at getting out of here, at getting away from that thing. She could only guess, but she thought that it turned you evil in some way- an idea that Patricia hated. She never wanted that experience again. Patricia listened for footsteps for a few moments after Katharine left, but there were only her receding ones. So, she stood and made a beeline to the drawer where Katharine had taken the pliers from. She rifled around in there for a few short moments, finding and pulling out a long, bloody machete. The blood was dried, but, still... her stomach turned a little, thinking of the poor person who had had this used on them. She tucked its hilt into the waistband of her skirt, letting the rest of it be concealed in her leather fur ruff jacket. She went through the rest of the drawers haphazardly, even dumping out and going through the contents of the suitcase and turning over the mattress, but there was nothing else to find. Besides some more Fiji water, of course. Patricia had half a mind to wait until her powers came back until she tried an escape. But her powers probably weren't going to come back anytime soon- that had been a shitton of isolene. So... she'd have to escape without them. Or just hide in a closet until someone came for them. Patricia turned the doorknob and peeked into the hallway, only coming out once she knew that were no goons standing around. She ended up stalking through the hall, heart pumping and eyes flicking from side to side. She stuck close to the wall, hoping to hide behind one of the various plants and decorations in case she saw someone. Her current plan was to find an unused closet far away from Katharine's room and curl up in there until her powers either came back or H.E.R.O raided the place. But apparently, the world had other plans for Patricia, because she immediately tripped over herself, sprawling across the ground. [color=MediumOrchid]"Motherfucker!"[/color] she exclaimed, quite loudly, before realizing where she was and that what she just did could easily doom her. [color=MediumOrchid][i]Stupid fucking heels![/i][/color] She would definitely be caught now. [@KaijuBaragon][@Hitman]