[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/jenriv-titling-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200601/523feb92edae0563a557db63fe2d138c.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] As a farmer would rise, Senna rose with the birds. Not that it was some primal instinct to do so, but because of the noise. Back in the caves, there was no sort of sound but the echos of the elders. Those who'd grown to rise with the sun, because that meant it was time to tend the crops. While at first it was hard for Senna to adjust to the life of the beings above ground, now that she'd been out of the caves for years she thought herself just like the elders. So, when the early birds began to look for their worms, Senna rose as well. For the first few moments of the morning, Senna sat outside of her tent to enjoy the dark. The cool breeze touched her skin, and she felt her hair rustling against her ears and the leaves of the trees against their branches. The chirping of the birds illuminated the surrounding tents in soft vibrations. She could just so slightly hear her comrades awakening too. The air began to warm, and Senna knew it was time for the sun to rise. Which meant it was time for Senna to grab her coverings. A soft sigh, and then her body moves into the tent. She pulls on her cloak first, her gloves and their wrappings next, slips her feet into her boots, and ties her jingasa over her head to finish her morning routine. By the time she makes it out of the tent, she can feel the heat of the sun against her cloak. The crackle of the fire brings the smell of breakfast her way, and she uses the scent to guide her to Emrys. [color=C5B2B2]"Morning, Emrys."[/color] She said as her hands reach for the bowl she knew he would offer. While he usually brought the meals to them in the tent, Senna preferred not to make him walk all that way from the cauldron. As easy as it would be to walk with sight, Senna was sure even the abled grew tired of it. She gives Emrys a nod before she turns. With extreme caution, Senna allows the wandering feet and morning greetings to show the path to the meeting tent. Her feet barely make a sound as she slips into the tent, but she clicks her tongue twice. Once to let Adam know she was inside, and a second time to let her know where her chair sat at the table this morning. She'd learned quickly not to expect the chair or table to be in the same place twice. Her bowl slides onto the table first before she climbs into the chair, and once she's comfortable she places the beans in her lap. [hr] By the time Captain Bradshaw speaks, Senna has finished her breakfast. To get more comfortable in her seat, she sets the bowl onto the table again and rests a foot on the base of the seat. Her elbow is propped on her knee as she turns her head in the direction of Adam's voice. Highwaymen. The usual "bandit punkery" was an apt term for them. A kill order, too? [i]These guys must have really pissed off the Nepharie.[/i] Although, she wasn't surprised. While darklings usually cherished life, it wasn't the same above ground. Senna frowned lightly when a map was mentioned. She assumed the [i]swish[/i] of movement from Adam was his way of gesturing to the item, but Senna (obviously) thought that maps were useless. Even if someone took the time to describe them to her, she often found the terrain to be different than it was drawn. [b]"Each square upon the map is roughly fifty feet..."[/b] Senna listened and took note of any descriptions made. [i]Eight guards outside, one [/i]captain[i] in the tower. Another four with arrows up above.[/i] Senna smirked. [i]Ceri can take them out for us. Or I could climb up when nobody's looking and give them a surprise greeting.[/i] She heard Amelia snort and her smirk grew wider. [i]This should be a piece of cake.[/i] The Priest's voice piped up to her left, and Senna nodded in agreement with what he had to say. [b]"It's no longer than two-hundred yards..."[/b] Senna smiled. [i]Thank Gallor someone here knows how to explain distance.[/i] Squares were helpful, sure, but they meant nothing if Senna had no idea how many squares there were. [b]"Those with the ability to fly... while the ground troops enter the tower from the ground."[/b] [i]Why weren't we given the ability of flight?[/i] [b]"Any arguements?"[/b] Senna's ears perked up for a moment as she waited for someone to pipe in, but she had a question of her own. [color=C5B2B2]"I'm assuming I'm a part of the group that enters from the top, correct?"[/color] There was an obvious answer to it, but the question itself had the slight implication that Irae assumed she could fly.