[quote=@Little Blue] Hello everyone. My name is Little Blue, but you can call me Blue! We can chat or roleplay; I love doing both. I'm pretty shy, though. And socially awkward. Please excuse that behavior. I'll tell you a couple of things about me now. I've got four cats, a snake, and a dog. I don't like fluff, but I love nutella. I don't like bananas on their own. I love anime and works by Leigh Bardugo. I love writing and reading equally as much. I read webtoons and fanfics. I can be rather shameless. I've got diagnosed severe generalized anxiety, major depression, OCD, and a panic disorder. I've been hospitalized for intrusive thoughts and panic attacks. Yes, I'm medicated. Yes, I'm getting a service dog. I'm classified as mentally disabled. I will be going to an alternative school. I've had the Corona virus and it felt like the worst flue I've ever had. The worst of the symptoms went away in two days, but I had persistent nausea and headaches. I'm kind of droning on, right? Especially about the bad stuff. You know what they say; if they can't deal with you at your worst, they don't deserve you at your best. Don't worry, I won't talk about triggering things on hear if requested not too. I won't come on here during a panic attack either. No worries! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. [/quote] Welcome to the Guild!