Fenris smiled as he watched the new guild members form small teams , he was glad that these people would be the ones in his guild and watching his back.' Don't get sentimental you just met these people dumbass' he mentally chided himself and the smile fell from his face. Fenris then grabbed his rifle and put it in the holster on his back, he then grabbed his pistol and silver dagger and put the pistol in the holster on his thigh and the dagger in his boot sheath. Fenris began to walk out of his guild hall and put his cloak on and the hood up as he left. He had seen Tizryn sneak Alamir outside the dwarf wasn't exactly sneaky with a large Griffin walking along the edges of the guildhall. Chuckling to himself at his friends antics he jumped onto Alamir just as the Griffin began to fly off the ground. Making himself comfortable Fenris tapped his friends shoulder to alert him to his presence [color=violet] "Leaving ú- nin?" [/color] Fenris asked sarcastically as he made sure his crystals were charged. [hider=Translation] "Leaving without me?" [/hider] Tizryn was having Alamir take off when he felt someone tap his shoulder. Turning his head he heard Fenris ask his question in blasted elvish and scowled as he faced forward. [color=silver] " Damnit Fenris you know I don't know your elvish bullshit "[/color] he grumbles and can hear Fenris laugh behind him. [color=silver] " barzûlegûr jok vanyali"[/color] he said in dwarvish and elbowed Fenris in the ribs. After flying for about an hour or two who knows as Tizryn loved getting lost in the feeling of wind in his hair and the sound of Alamirs wings beating through the air. [color=silver] " We're here " [/color] he said as Alamir began to descend. [hider=Translation] "Curse you elves" [/hider] Izzy was slightly miffed , the quiet elf whos named turned out to be quiet was nice enough and have her a business card. That elf that dressed like a prostitute though well she was just rude, she didn't even acknowledge Izzy's greeting then walked off and talked to everyone else like she was a princess. [color=limegreen] " Hmphh she'll get hers"[/color] she huffed then walked over to the group that was to the group that was about to hunt a troll. Standing next to the tall man she saved at the horse girl and the other girl [color=limegreen] " Hello I am the druid Isabella but you may call me Izzy and I would like to join your hunt"[/color] she said smiling and planted her feet.