So I'm in the mood for some Mecha RP as pretty much always, but I'm not really looking to do any fandoms like Gundam. Instead I've got this old idea laying around which, isn't SUPER original when it comes to mecha stories (Seriously, how many Mecha anime and such base their idea off 'there are warring faction... FIGHT', and references, REFERENCES. Get it, Drivers and Lancers... Drivers and Blades?) but still. Here's the idea if anyone's interested in setting something up like this: [center]In the early 21st century, humanity made first contact with alien life. It was the contact that we had feared, as with their coming came death, and destruction. An alien race that was spreading through the stars, conquering, pillaging, annihilating... they were called, the Genos. [img][/img] But they were not alone. In the months that followed the arrival of the Genos on Earth, they were followed by an even greater alien faction that sought their destruction. A brighter species, that did not seem to care for the destruction of humanity. Many would say that they had no particular interest in protecting Earth either, as their war against the Genos brought ruin to most of the planet's surface. These, would become known as the Seraphim. [img][/img] And then, they left. They disappeared from our world leaving it in ruins, the remnants of humanity scattered and forgotten. Earth, was to become just another forgotten battlefield in a war that was raging through the stars. But Humanity Refused to Die The last livable continent on Earth was home to what remained of humanity. They gathered, and rebuilt from the ashes. Using the technology of all that was left behind by those who tore the world apart, it was a quick rise from nothing, to prosperity. At least, some would see it that way. Five factions were formed to take control of what was left, five nations to rule the world. The Western Democratic Union, a Capitalist governed nation that sought to expand and grow through Military Might. Everything on the map to them is a strategic resource, and they are the very image of what remains of the Western United States. In the North, the Holy Imperial Coalition, a nation of Zealots who worship the Seraphim and believe them to be the saviors of Mankind, and have built a religion out of the wrecks left behind. In the South, a nation of split factions and clans who do not live under one nationality, and are shrouded in mystery. What is known, is that they have taken to the technology of the Genos, and believe power is supreme above all else. The rest of the world refers to them as the "Union of Clans" Centralized in the barren wastes is the Free People's Republic, a small faction of people who, to be honest, just want the other nations to stay out of their land and leave them be. It's unfortunate that they have settled on a wealth of natural resources that has become the focus of the Global Arms Race. And finally, The United Eastern Alliance. This is where you come from. They believe in three things. Control, Order, and Law. Every individual is free to be their own person, weighed by their own merits and achievements. That is, so long as they follow the laws of the nation, and do their part for it. Recently, the UEA had developed a new technology that allows them to create powerful soldiers capable of inhuman feats of strength, stamina, and agility. This has allowed them to create a new weapon in the form of large humanoid Mechas. These Soldiers have become known as Drivers, and these Mechas, their Lancers. With this new powerful breed of soldier, the UEA is ready to expand and contest the other nations in the struggle for power, and hopefully, bring a little order to the world that has lost all sense of justice. [img][/img] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] Notes: While this is a Mecha RP, your character is a super soldier and is capable of extreme feats of strength. There will be many times your character is required to leave their Lancer and fight on foot. Using absolutely absurd weaponry is the name of the game here, things that would put Cloud Strife to shame. Your character can be from another nation, as the UEA welcomes all. But I expect you to understand, and reliably RP the impact of your character having to stand against their own Nation, and to understand what a character from another Nation would be like. Personal character stories can be developed and explored, but the larger scheme of things is focusing on the global balance of power... and by global I mean this one continent that is basically the last remaining place humanity can survive. Mecha designs for our characters will be based on Armored Core and Iron Saga designs. Similar designs are fine too. Just no Gundam unless they match well. Because... [url=]this[/url] and [url=]this[/url] don't feel like they are from the same world, let alone the same FACTION within the same world. But, some of the more intricate designs from Gundam may be allowed. [url=]For example...[/url] Also transforming Mechs are allowed. Here's an example: [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] Anyways, let me know if you're interested in this.