[hider=Hit 'em with da MURDERSTROKE] [color=FFDEAD][b]"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, IDIOT!? TAKE COVER!"[/b][/color] Vani would shout as he saw Serafeye in the line of fire for the arrows, too slow to move out of the way even as Vani rounded the corner, swift as one could be in full armor. He was too late, and the poor girl was brained by the arrow, scattering...absolutely nothing out of her cranium. Or out of her head at all. ...In fact, it seemed that the arrow did absolutely nothing whatsoever to the girl before she walked right into a spear and broke it, broke all of the line of spearmen's spears, and then landing the kind of punch that would get a barmaid laughed out of her job that sent a man flying with a dented shield and probably a broken arm. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kUI34dn.png[/img][/center] [color=FFDEAD][b]"...What the fuck,"[/b][/color] he muttered to himself at the sight, before temporarily losing his sight to the Flash spell cast. Furiously rubbing at his eyes, Vani would regain his sight (albeit much blurrier), and find the humongous sack of scales before him and approach, deftly flicking his sword in his wrist and gripping his shield tight. [color=FFDEAD][b]"...Looks like she didn't even need our help,"[/b][/color] he jokingly said as he walked right beside his lizard ally and ever so slightly laid his hand upon his shoulder, channeling the only spell he could use at the moment. Lay on Hands was unique even amongst divine magic in the way it worked, transferring physical vitality to mend the wounds of the healer. Vani was a stupidly strong individual, so he would only be a bit winded as he tried to weave back together Kaze's broken flesh, directing his energies upon his abdomen to heal the wound that had been delivered there. It wasn't going to fix it all, but it was enough that Kaze could easily clean and treat it later. With that out of the way, Vani brandished his sword and smirked, before shouting out: [color=FFDEAD][b]"THAT'S RIGHT, FOOLS! YOU FACE THE MAIDEN OF LOLAN! HER FISTS ARE THUNDER, AND HER BODY IS AS INVINCIBLE AS A STORM!"[/b][/color] Of course, this was all a bluff. Vani felt a bit bad using Lolan's name in vein like this, but frankly any sort of intimidation tactic to make them target the invincible star-child was a-okay with him. Of course, not every man could fall for such a trick and would instead go for the loudest, most obnoxious elf in the alley. Two soldiers approached, one with a sword, and the other armed with a spear on his front, the elf's smirk evident as he adjusted his footing and sneered at the approaching swordsman, saying: [color=FFDEAD][b]"Show me how the stone tastes, little man,"[/b][/color] before charging. Fighting two-on-one was something that was ill-advised for any sort of melee practitioner, but in a case such as this with their morale and confidence teetering on the edge, Vani knew that he stood a chance. His lizard friend was busy, and the magicians of their misfit band were occupied with casting, so he was on his own. As the swordsman moved in for a thrust at Vani's gut, he would step in and deftly catch his blade with the cross-guard of his own, before his shield arm impacted with the man's nose and sent his helmet spinning, stunning him long enough for Vani to move in to block the spearman's thrust. Spears had a distinct range advantage, but were sadly insanely predictable. A spear wasn't made for a one-on-one confrontation with a skilled opponent; They were made for an overwhelming defense in a group that could stand up to anything. But, with this little spearman out of formation he was nothing as his spear was batted away, the distance closed in a matter of tens of tenths of seconds before Vani's blade ripped through his neck. Pulling his blade back, Vani let the man fall and flipped the blade in his right hand, holding it carefully by the blade with a measured grip to not cut himself through his gauntlets. The swordsman was charging, but instead of using his sword properly, Vani would unscrew the pommel of it as he waited, giving it a toss and a catch before throwing it straight in the challenger's eye. Baffled by the mass of iron hitting him, he had no recourse when Vani's cross-guard slammed into his temple, all but splitting the man's skull as he was sent flying into the mass of bodies that Kaze had wrought. Stooping low, Vani picked up his pommel just as another soldier charged. His shield raised up to defend from the strike, and Vani's plated boot would kick his leg out from under him. The man would fall, slamming his face into Vani's shield and knocking himself out cold, giving the Paladin enough time to screw his pommel back on. Smiling in satifsaction, Vani would charge further into the fray, wanting to draw the ire of as many as he could to keep the heat off of his scaled brother-in-arms. Taking a deep breath, Vani would pierce the air with a battelecry. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z7VaIBt.png[/img][/center] [color=FFDEAD][b]"C'MON THEN! BOTH ENDS OF MY SWORD ARE THIRSTY! IF I'M DYING TODAY, I'M DYING A BLOODY [i]FUCKING[/i] MANSLAYER!"[/b][/color] [/hider]