[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5hOTQyNDIuUVdSaGJTQkNjbUZrYzJoaGR3LCwuMAAA/angel-tears.trial.png[/img][/center][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LmQwM2U2MC5RVzFsYkdsaElFSnlZV1J6YUdGMy4w/asem.regular.png[/img][/center][hr] Adam sat back as the company each voiced their opinions. Irae, as usual, had the same strategy Adam had in mind; picking off the bandits from the cover of the woods would nullify the bandits' height advantage, though battlements would provide them some cover. The pincer technique, too, would be effective at driving out the bandits if they attempted to retreat, or at least they could drive the captain to surrender. Dusk would place the sun behind the trees, which could hopefully disguise their incursion. Adam frowned at Iulian's suggestion— Iulian had worked on and off for the Pride for years, but his plans always involved personal risk. Sometimes, it felt like Iulian was trying to get hurt. He looked between the company members, wondering where to start. "Considering this is Nepharie land, I'd imagine the intelligent is accurate," Adam replied to Morag. "And we'll be paid enough for 500 monas each. I think that's sufficient given the risk involved." He turned to the rest of the party; "We're not using you as bait Iulian," Adam said. "Last thing we need is to lose a soldier in a fight that should be a cakewalk. I think the rest of us are on a good track; attacking from tree cover with the sun behind us will decrease the accuracy of return fire. While I'm not keen on "bait", per say, we'll first need a way to draw the foot soldiers away, else they'll go inside and lock themselves in." Amelia looked up from her frowning stupor, though her face remained glum. "They're looking for merchant caravans, right?" Amelia said. "Just use one of the carts and put soldiers in the back. We can draw their attention over and when they try to rob us, our archers pick off theirs." Adam nodded and thought for a moment. "That's sensible," he said. "What do the rest of you think?"