[center][color=f26522][h1]SHATTERED SKY[/h1] In the year 2037, Humanity detected a signal from the stars. After being studied and analyzed for weeks, it was decided that this signal was a cry for contact. Someone in the vast emptiness of space, was looking for others. They wanted to communicate, to talk, to meet. Humanity sent their response. -We are Humanity. We are a young species inhabiting the planet Earth. We welcome any contact from the stars, as we have believed until now that there was none to be had.- The signal was returned. They were on their way. Humanity, was not alone. This event would come to be known as the Origin Signal, because from it, would originate all that would destroy Humanity. What arrived in the skies above Earth was not a group of researchers, scientists, or explorers. It was an invasion fleet, ready to destroy everything in their path. They spent less than a day scanning Earth to find all the natural resources it held, and then they came. Hell rained down from the skies. Records show that half of the population of Humanity was wiped out within the first hour, before anyone could take shelter. By the end of the first week, ninety percent of Humanity was gone. These invaders from the stars were efficient, and when bombarding the surface of the planet was no longer effective, they deployed massive armies of machines to finish what remained. These invaders would become known as, [i]The Genos[/i]. (Gee-nose) Humanity fought back, but their weapons were nothing compared to the might of a space faring race. But, they were not alone. The Genos were followed by another alien species, who seemed to be hunting them down. They arrived on Earth with a righteous fury that burned the Genos from the skies above Earth, and soon took to the surface to cleanse the planet of the infestation that was the brutish race of conquerors. This, was at least how many saw the events. Truth be told, most could see that this second alien species cared little for saving Humanity, and that Earth was merely another battleground for them to face the Genos on. These saviors, as they came to be known, were the [b]Seraphim[/b]. By time the Genos were in full retreat, the Seraphim were ready to follow, and both species of alien disappeared, leaving behind a broken, shattered world barely capable of sustaining life. It had only been a single month since the Genos arrived, and only just over ten thousand humans were left. Not even a fraction of the original billions who had inhabited the world. There was now only one continent able to sustain life, broken and shifted by the war to be unrecognizable from whatever continent it originally was. In honor of what humanity had once thought they would refer to their world as to alien races, this continent was named simple, [b]Tera[/b]. Twenty Years have passed since then. The date is 2057, March 15th. Tera is split into five factions vying for power. The Western Democratic Union (WDU) controlling the Western portion of the continent. The Holy Imperial Coalition (HIC) controlling the North. The Union of Clans (UC) controlling the South. The Free People's Republic (FPR) controlling a small portion of land at the heart of the continent. The United Eastern Alliance (UEA) controlling the East. Tensions are high, and it seems Humanity's instincts are setting in once more. Each Nation wants more, and they aren't willing to settle for what they have, and they have all set their eyes on what they believe to be the 'Untamed Lands' in FPR territory. Rich in natural resources, each faction wants to claim more power. But they all have their own reasons, their own agendas. The time has come for the first war of the new world.[/color] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=00a651]Welcome to Shattered Sky, a Mecha RP focused on Mechas and their pilots within the United Eastern Alliance, as they take part in a war for control over the last remaining continent. The starting date is 2057, March 15th, the 20 year anniversary of the end of the war. To commemorate this day, the UEA is revealing a new weapon they intend to use to gain control over the central lands, and keep the other nations in check. This weapon is the Lancer, and its pilot is you, the Driver. [hider=Driver's] [img]https://images8.alphacoders.com/680/680588.jpg[/img] A Driver is a soldier or civilian volunteer who went through intense experimentation that resulted in a Superhuman. They are exponentially stronger, faster, and sturdier than even the greatest of humans. Because of this, they are commonly equipped with immense weaponry, sometimes bigger than their own bodies. However, their main trait is being able to pilot Lancers, advanced machines that require extreme speed, intelligence, stamina, and accuracy to control. No normal person can control one, as they simply require too much skill that the normal human body seems incapable of without the augmentations Drivers go through. Drivers are given more freedom than other Military Personnel within the UEA. They get to pick and choose their uniforms, armor, weaponry, and even customize their Lancers. [u][b]That being said[/b][/u], some of the Lancers come from previous Military backgrounds within the UEA, so may already have the intense 'Order and Uniform' mentality of the UEA Military burned into their minds. [/hider] [hider=Lancers] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c1/51/e1/c151e12de461ba83f5fc8deb6a5ce83e.jpg[/img] Lancers are Humanoid Mechas with extremely advanced technology. While Mechas are not new to Tera, nor the UEA, ones that resemble the human form are. No Machine or Mecha in recent history has been able to match the sheer speed and agility of a Lancer, while still being often outfitted with armor that can shatter even the highest caliber tank shells. Lancers are also the first Mechas capable of flight without being purpose built for such. Lancers are most often built with ground combat in mind first, and flight second, but nonetheless achieve that functionality fully. Lancers average anywhere from 15-20m tall. Though a smaller scout Lancer could be as small as 10m. (So about the size of your average Gundam from say, Gundam 00 on the upper end of the scale.) (Lancers are based mostly off of Humanoid Mecha designs from such fandoms as Armored Core or Iron Saga. Gundam models aren't exactly unacceptable, but many Gundam designs simply don't fit the aesthetic of the UEA's Lancers.) [/hider] The Nations: [hider=WDU] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fikdYNqdgxI]The Western Democratic Union-[/url] Design - The WDU is based heavily off of Western Culture. Democracy, Freedom, and Conformity. Heavily Militarized, they fight in the name of Democracy and the survival of their people. While some may think of them as old fashioned, none of the other nations will truly dismiss them as a true power of Tera. Military - Extremely uniform and organized, the WDU mobilizes heavy armor in the form of battletanks, airships, and massive mobile land bases. They use conventional kinetic weaponry, which is why most consider them old fashioned. Gunpowder and Steel is their method of combat. And it's surprisingly effective. [img]https://i.imgur.com/DeyTP0r.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/04/6d/18/046d18038c4aa196f6ee653f9a7a13be.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wfYlU7S.jpg[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/8efb9963fbdb27e401fcede6ca866cae/tumblr_pt8wb6tGLN1wrr0duo1_1280.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=UC] [url=https://youtu.be/jM8dCGIm6yc?t=142]The Union of Clans-[/url] Design - Messy, Unorganized, lacking any sort of uniformity. The UC is not what the nation calls itself, as it is literally a Union of different Clans. The South is in relative peace, with little more than rival clans vying for power between each other, but it is all for the ability to lead the clans as a whole. They are feral, and savage, and worst yet... their technology is based off the wrecked designs of the Genos. They believe power to be the most important thing above all else. While they are most often written off as 'Savages' by the other nations of Tera... none of them have yet to attempt to enter their territory. Military - Just as unorganized and wild as the Clans are in general, their military relies on Guerrilla tactics, and having the stopping power to annihilate their enemies before they can even fire back. It's not uncommon to see animal bones and furs welded to to armor and machines. They mostly lack heavy armor such as tanks, but they make up for this with the sheer destructive power of Genos energy weapons. [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2090c798-effa-40fd-ad79-81ecd90e379d/d7r37pl-97797acc-8b24-4faf-9d26-8c8af16b6410.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMjA5MGM3OTgtZWZmYS00MGZkLWFkNzktODFlY2Q5MGUzNzlkXC9kN3IzN3BsLTk3Nzk3YWNjLThiMjQtNGZhZi05ZDI2LThjOGFmMTZiNjQxMC5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.Cg5HIABalYXPL8syuCqu5B5N7jchsQ7c2Fig9YFJwvA[/img] [img]https://c.wallhere.com/photos/ff/2a/creature_Godzilla_kaiju_mech_concept_art_fan_art_dark_Joseph_Diaz-1809463.jpg!d[/img] [/hider] [hider=HIC] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zub8agQjrw]The Holy Imperial Coalition-[/url] Design - This nation has created a religion out of the Seraphim. They believe the Seraphim came from the heavens to save Humanity from the Genos, and as such they worship them as Gods, or at least, Angels sent by God. It's a little unclear what their religion is from an outside perspective. What is known, is that they have utilized the wrecks of Seraphim machines to rebuild their society, and that they are extremely advanced. However, they consider anything to do with the Genos to be an impurity. For this reason, they particularly despise the UC. Their society is a hierarchy of Nobles and Lords, where soldiers most often seek to gain the rank of Knight, which grants them immense freedom, and divine 'Holy' missions. Military - Extremely Advanced, they wield weapons that seem to fire beams of light that burn through even the strongest metals. They often wear heavy armor resembling medieval designs, but anyone believing them to be such is a fool. Everything they use is extremely advanced. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/48/6b/6d/486b6d3807bd4f77055f826c4bff1a75.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/001/159/large/scd101.jpg?1400142213[/img] [/hider] [hider=FPR] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7OpZ1DV6zQ]The Free People's Republic-[/url] Design - In the central desert lands of Tera, the FPR are a small nation of people who really, just want to be left alone. Their culture is simple, and their people proud. But their territory is settled on a large supply of natural resources, and the other nations of Tera are eyeing them like starving wolves on the hunt. In the FPR, everyone is free to follow their own path, and they welcome any and all who wish to join them for a more simple life. Military - While they aren't very militarized, the FPR do have many people with their own 'junker' designs that are willing to defend their land. While they could never truly win a war against the other nations, they could make it Hell for them. The Central Lands are perilous, and it can take weeks to traverse from one side to the other with the number of Canyons and Ravines. They are also well known for their beast themed Mechas. [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/7f1d4f91-6d18-4304-aeab-9223b3aed7ea/dawzatq-19638abf-7c3e-4f87-b9e3-105597005d10.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvN2YxZDRmOTEtNmQxOC00MzA0LWFlYWItOTIyM2IzYWVkN2VhXC9kYXd6YXRxLTE5NjM4YWJmLTdjM2UtNGY4Ny1iOWUzLTEwNTU5NzAwNWQxMC5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.VSWfYLQt8YmJz2PlbumxFimLBrwt8K9EhsdVhqAZI3c[/img] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/018/642/300/large/thomas-wievegg-rage2-river-hogs-junk-mech-2.jpg?1560174219[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e2/1d/73/e21d73bb6534262fbc82f4307ebd093d.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=UEA] [url=https://youtu.be/EHW8VnUSnBQ]The United Eastern Alliance-[/url] Design - Law, Order, Uniformity, and Freedom. These are the ideals of the UEA. Everyone is measured by their own merits and achievements, but they are all expected to follow the law. Order and Organization are what the UEA are all about, and they would rather take control than let the other nations of Tera kick off a war that will see the end to the last remnants of Earth they have left. They accept anyone into their ranks, and even into their Military, so long as they follow the law. The only other nation that matches them in size is the WDU. Military - Fairly advanced, they use self designed energy weaponry that might not be as powerful as Genos weaponry, but is far more stable and safe to use. Many of their vehicles are on a very large scale, albeit not on the scale of the WDU's landships. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/59/64/00/596400fbc69474d4c3401273c25a3d0d.png[/img] [img]https://img2.cgtrader.com/items/1030250/7a7b439217/sci-fi-gun-3d-model-obj-mtl-fbx.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/03/14/52094/424cb02127b3ebbae064eff8f4c5181f.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/80/cb/12/80cb1238fe279b6f22068b1cd640a934.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Genos] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARf92ok-VEM]The Genos-[/url] Design - The Genos were an extremely powerful alien race that was capable almost wiping out the entire human population in a single week. They have no regard for life, and seem to be the very idea of evil as they will annihilate anything in their way for the sake of resources. It is to date, unknown what an actual Genos looks like, as they always used powerful machines in battle. Military - Absolutely massive in scale, the Genos used giant machines that were capable of annihilating entire lines of human armor with one attack. While at first glance it would seem much of their technology is just scrapped together, there is an odd intricacy to their designs that is both savage, and effective. Their energy weapons are also the most devastating of any known types. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ba/57/5a/ba575a535b6e8ed0afbc3c5dd61515a8.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/175/796/large/tibor-bedats-dw4-raw-02.jpg?1408656353[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5a/52/d0/5a52d00e5e0559f20b72fd52dda95095.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Seraphim] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN9OQyr-PXE]The Seraphim-[/url] Design - Extremely clean and white, their technology was the idea of 'advanced technology'. They came to destroy the Genos, and pushed them off our world. However, they had no regard for Human life, and the Earth seemed to be just another battleground to them. While some worship the Seraphim as the saviors of Humanity... others believe that there was something very wrong about them. Military - Highly advanced, their weaponry is difficult for Humanity to understand. They did not use conventional 'point and shoot' weapons, but rather, everything they did seemed to link together. One machine would link an attack with another that would annihilate an entire building, or a large group of machines would link up, and destroy an entire mountain range. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3a/f5/63/3af56358d6e18bc1f136e0246b0c23d8.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/66/b3/dc/66b3dcf0505ff5ab46efe06f00d7c657.png[/img] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/010/208/665/large/jesse-hao-mech-angel.jpg?1523186548[/img] [/hider][/color] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=6ecff6][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSfhtCUHR7k][h1]Welcome Driver[/h1][/url] Well, you made it this far. So what do you need to do to join? First please read the rules (I'll know if you did or not), then post or send me a character sheet from below to be approved. I may ask you to change some things, and I ask that you do not add your own sections or leave any out. Copy and paste the Character Sheet from below, and fill it out. Do NOT just make your own. [hider=Rules] Do not apply if you are the kind who can only post 'once in a while'. RPs die when people get tired of waiting, and still being on an intro scene 2 months from now is a quick way to a dead RP. I would prefer if people can post once a day at least. I understand real life happening, we all do, and if you can't post sometimes that's fine. But being relatively active is preferred. Do not apply if you are the kind of person to drop RPs out of the blue. ESPECIALLY the kind of people who just up and disappear and nobody knows if they're still in the RP or not, next thing you know they haven't been online in 3 days and everyone is waiting on them to post for the RP to continue. A quick note on what I consider 'Casual' RP. Not requiring multi paragraph but also definitely not accepting one liners. A single paragraph or more is expected, although it's understandable if you don't have much to respond to or actions to take. Don't want to set the standards too high, or too low. I expect everyone to have a good grasp of the English Language, as constant and consistent grammar mistakes can really throw off a RP and break the immersion when reading. That's not to say you can't make mistakes, but there's a pretty clear difference between 'made some typos' and 'English isn't my first language'. Post "Seraphim are probably worse than the Genos" with your character sheet so I know you at least read this part. We'll have a post order and I need people to take initiative. If everyone is waiting on someone else to post first, then nobody is going to post. Get a post out, if you need to edit it because someone else posted at the same time or something, discuss it in OOC, and then we'll have a post order going and we can stick to it. That being said, you don't always have to follow the post order, and if you feel like you need to post after someone to get a response in for them, go for it. Don't go overboard on trying to make your character stand out. Your character is to be either a soldier of the UEA, or a citizen of the UEA who volunteered for the Driver Program. You are not an experiment of Genos/Seraphim DNA, you are not the child of a HIC High Priest, you are not the original Clan Leader of the UC. If you have any questions about anything, ask, don't assume. That is, unless it's a pretty obvious thing to assume. If you aren't sure if the UEA capital city has running water... what do you think? If you aren't sure if the body of a Genos/Seraphim would be found inside a wrecked machine of either faction... better to ask. Hint, no, they wouldn't be. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (It's important whether they were alive before the war or not.) [b]Specialty:[/b] (Engineer, Sniper, Demolitions, Recon...) [b]Origin:[/b] (Were they born and raised in the UEA? Born before the war and joined the UEA when it was formed? Or perhaps they came from another nation to join the UEA only recently?) [b]Service:[/b] (Military, if so what branch, or Civilian, in which case they will be a volunteer for the Driver Program) [b]Backstory:[/b] (Just some short information about anything notable in their life. If you want any elements of your character's personal story to be put into the RP, then you need to talk to me about that in PMs.) [b]Description:[/b] (Anything that needs to be said about your Driver that might stand out, mostly as far as their appearance or behavior goes.) [b]Infantry Loadout:[/b] (The weaponry, armor, and other equipment your Driver is equipped with when in combat outside their Lancer. You need to give a description of things. Simply saying "Blaster Rifle" tells us nothing.) [b]Lancer Loadout:[/b] (What weaponry and other capabilities does your Lancer have? Again, you need to give descriptions.) [b]Driver Reference:[/b] (Reference image for your Driver) [b]Lancer Reference:[/b] (Reference image for your Lancer) [/hider][/color][/center]