[hider=William's Spells (After Being Depowered)] [i]One’s Own Silence[/i] - William cloaks himself in a mystic glamour, turning himself invisible as long as he is holding his breath. [i]One’s Own Voice[/i] - William telepathically projects his own voice to a person he knows well, speaking with them through vast distances. [i]One’s Own Pain[/i] - William makes every physical blow or cut he makes with either his body or a weapon hurt twice as much. [i]One’s Own Joy[/i] - William induces a feeling of wellness and joy through his own body, deadening any pain he suffers in battle. He can spread this feeling to other people by touching them, with the magic acting as an anesthetic… [i]Quoth the Raven, Nevermore[/i] - William transforms himself into a cloud of eighteen Ravens, one for each year he has lived in the world. These birds share William’s conciousness between them and he can use each one to project his powers as well as spy on multiple places at once. Not merely that, but William can transform back by gathering the Ravens together into one place and recombining them through magic... [u]Drawback:[/u] These Ravens are physically ordinary birds, and can be killed through ordinary means. Should all the Ravens be killed, William will die too. [/hider]