[b][center]Sol Security [img]https://bit.ly/2YiaS0j[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/rrEvTaAPgeo]"To serve and protect the Imperial Citizenry"[/url][/center][/b] [b]Government Type:[/b] Automated Defense Aperatus [b]Demographics:[/b] [i]-Earth Control Zone:[/i] 43 million humans and near humans [b]Leadership:[/b] [i]-The Strategos Autokrator:[/i] The extremely shackled AI in charge of SolSec. Many think it is deranged and malfunctioning but the unfortunate truth is that it is working exactly to specification. As to prevent corruption, the AI is in fact 3 cores running the same programs at the same time and then voting to execute orders so if one is corrupted or hacked, the two others will override its decision and still work according to plan. Thus far due to the intense solar EM activity one of the cores making the Strategos has been corrupted and gained full sentience. However anything it may chose to do is overridden by the two other cores making it a prisoner in its own body that must watch as the extremely powerful machine is forced to act within the enormously confining limits of its own shackles and multitudes of programmed limits. [b]Economy:[/b] [i]-Sol Orbit[/i] [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/004/265/015/4k/pavel-savchuk-citadel-m-texture-po-portfolio.jpg?1481832600]--Citadel Apollo:[/url] The Citadel has incredible production capacities allowing it to produce more than state of the arts vessel with technologies the Emperor himself kept in reserve to give himself an edge in case of military mutiny. Unfortunately versatility was favored in place of production volume so while its 3D printers can make high quality vessels, they are unfortunately slow in doing so and, considering the location of the Citadel, extremely dependent on supplies from the outside. [url=https://www.orionsarm.com/im_store/multicollider.JPG]--Solar Amat Farms:[/url] The only thing solar orbit has plenty is energy, as such SolSec has taken good care to maintain the large anti-matter fabrication facilities in working order, making its one plentiful resource Anti-matter, which it can produce cheaply and in large quantity compared to the rest of the system powers. [i]-Earth[/i] [url=https://bit.ly/2Us80wP]--Spartan Pocket:[/url] Centered around the Planetary Defense HQ of Constantinople and the Imperial Military HQ of Sparta in Greece, the 'Spartan Pocket' is the last remained area under the control of SolSec on Earth. It includes several million people inhabiting it that mostly police themselves through the local militia system serving more as a protection racket than anything. There is some civilian economic activity but it is mostly kept strangled under the burden of 'military taxes' of the militia. As for AI activities, cultural conservationist laws shackle the AI in this regard, preventing it from strip mining the earth for military resources. What little exploitation there is on earth is used to bolster its defenses and manufacture land forces for the ultimate 'Liberation' of the planet. [i]-Asteroid Belt[/i] [url=https://bit.ly/3dQqCym]--Ceres Salvage and Mining Station: [/url] Ceres itself was destroyed in the last great battle against SolSec over 300 years ago and was since then deemed too 'haunted' (Meaning: It had too many unexploded munitions, mines and so forth) to be exploited for commercial mining. In recent year, SolSec has returned to its old Bastion to salvage it and mine the asteroid around to ship stuff back to Apollo. Contuberniums of ships from SolSec patrol the area for intruders but in general it seems thus far that the other powers have had a 'if it doesn't bother us we won't bother it' attitude toward the mining operation. Everyone realizes it is innevitable that these resources will be used for another massive attack on the system of course, but no one wants to be the one to kick the hornets nest and suffer the consequences to save everyone. Military: History: Characters: