[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/60169326-d55e-4adf-8f6d-dfd795abf6f2.png[/img][/center][hr] Max gave Eris a lidded stare and shifted his hand to rub at his neck as the vampire started eyeing him like a piece of meat. Was this why he was moody? He was hungry? The mage listened to the rest of the explanation with dwindling interest. Eris really wasn't giving him much to go on, most of it was speculation, and his plan sounded more like a bad excuse than a solid lead. The ole' fuck them for information trick just didn't sound viable here. Cinnamon didn't seem like the type to spill his whole plan just because he got his dick wet. At least Eris seemed to have his head on straight now, so Max wasn't too concerned with him saying too much and ending up on some noble's hit list. Then again, all those overdramatic movies he's acted in could've taken a toll on his perception of reality, and he might expect some big dramatic reveal that he knew Varis' secret to be met with a love confession or something equally asinine. And [i]he[/i] was in charge of this issue now, great. What was he supposed to do? Look up magic moon tattoos online? Five hundred quirky goth girl blogs later and he still wouldn't have anything to go on. [color=8585ad]"Oh you know me Eric, I'm such a gossip. With all my friends. Who I love talking to. Regularly,"[/color] The mage groaned flatly with a roll of his eyes, [color=8585ad]"If Cinnamon really isn't who he says he is and this is some weird Sinnenodel plot, it's probably not in your best interest to let him know you know. Don't think you should let him see that mark."[/color] He didn't think showing up at all was a good idea, honestly, but he'd probably have better luck arguing with the wall. Assuming that symbol actually meant something and Varis recognized it, he'd be asking way more questions than Eris had answers too, or worse. [hr][@Hero]