[center][b][i][u][h3]PCs[/h3][/u][/i][/b] [hider=Ria][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DiioeGm.png[/img][/center] [b][color=Aqua]Name:[/color][/b] Astoria Hycantha Ocenade [b][color=Aqua]Age:[/color][/b] 17 [b][color=Aqua]Guild Mark Location:[/color][/b] Just below her collar bone on the left side, [color=Aqua]Aqua[/color] [b][color=Aqua]Magic Type:[/color][/b] Water Magic, Water-Maker Magic Both magics allow the user to manipulate the element of water, and most other forms of liquid based on water. Both magics can utilize water preexisting in the area, but also can utilize magically generated water too. After the battle with the dragon, Ria spent two weeks mastering her ability to manipulate the temperate of water - to super heat or super chill it. [b][color=Aqua]Spells:[/color][/b] (Not a complete list of maker-spells, but at least her most used ones.) [hider=Support] [color=Aqua]- Water Bubble:[/color] The user creates bubbles of water with oxygen trapped inside that enable those who put their heads in the bubbles to breathe underwater. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make Dome:[/color] The user creates a dome of water around themselves, camouflaging them with the surrounding water, if present. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make (structure)[/color]: This is mostly used as an unnamed spell. User is able to create structures out of water, the top layer of which is condensed to be solid enough to support weight. [color=Aqua]- Rejuvenating Waters:[/color] The user conjures a ball of water into their hand and offers it to the recipient. The person that drinks it will feel their magic restored like they rested, as well as minor injuries will be completely healed and they’ll feel generally well rested and relaxed; moderate to severe injuries are also healed to a degree, becoming less severe than previously, but it is not healed much. The amount of healing done by this spell is dependent on how much magic the caster directs into the water. This cannot be used on the caster. [color=Aqua]- Rainstorms:[/color] Unnamed magic, by typical of hydromancers/strong water magic users. User can summon up rainstorms. The duration, size, and strength depend on a lot of factors not the least of which are caster's magical capabilities and intent. It generally syphons - though if nature decides to keep the storm going, it can linger for longer naturally - from the user's magic and can allow for it to be shaped in size and power. Casters that aren't well versed in controlling the storm can only summon smaller ones that are barely useful for watering plants. The more practice that goes into it, the larger and more powerful he storm can be. [/hider] [hider=Defensive] [color=Aqua]- Water Lock[/color] The user creates a large sphere of water that can be used to attack their target while they are trapped inside it. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make Decoy:[/color] User generates realistic looking facsimiles of a person/persons out of water. Decoy(s) cannot move or make sound, but can be generated in any pose. If physically interacted with, Decoy(s) will disperse into a puddle of water. [color=Aqua]- Undertow[/color] Water thickens the air and pulls at the target(s) making it more difficult for the target(s) to move and stay upright. This can even affect the ability to cast magic, and at the very least slows the target(s) down. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make Barrier:[/color] Whereas Water Dome is for camouflage, this spell creates a barrier out of water that remains in place and carries an extreme current. The current is strong enough to prevent weak magical attacks from penetrating it, and makes it extremely difficult for things to cross the barrier. It is not impossible to break through, and it requires dedicated magical energy to maintain. If the caster falls unconscious or runs out of magical energy, the barrier will fall. Barrier can be made into many different forms, but generally seen as a wall or dome. [color=Aqua]- Obscuring Mist:[/color] Through concentrated focus on condensing the water molecules in the air, the caster creates a fog cover to obscure vision around them and their allies. Range grows with practice, use, and magical force applied and can vary from a 20 foot radius to a 50 foot radius. With effort, the caster can allow individuals the ability to see through the mist clearly, but it is extremely strenuous and exhausting to do so. Mostly used as a diversion to escape dangers. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make Cage:[/color] User creates a cage out of water sized to trap the target(s). The bars are extremely high current water cycling around the structure, making it difficult to break out and can lead to injury if one tries to escape.[/hider] [hider=Offensive] [color=Aqua]- Neptune’s Dance:[/color] Two or more waves of water rotate around each other and form a helix that blast the opponent into the air with tremendous force. [color=Aqua]- Water-Make (weapon):[/color] User concentrates water into the form of a weapon. Water weapon can deal damage like a normal weapon of that type, but only for as long as user has hold of the weapon (in the case of bow/arrows, user must continue contact on the bow). If contact is lost, weapon disperses. [color=Aqua]- Geyser:[/color] User shoots boiling hot water from hands at target, which can hit to cause blunt damage and potentially scold the target. [color=Aqua]- Water Slicer:[/color] By swiping their arm, the user sends scythe-like blades of water at their intended target, which are powerful enough to cleanly slice through solid rock. It can also be used as a form of defense to intercept an attack. [color=Aqua]- Cyclone:[/color] The user forms a circular torrent of water in front of their hands and uses the cyclone of water to attack their target. The size and power of the cyclone is dependent on how much magical energy the user puts into the attack. Attack can knock the target off their feet, but is mostly aimed to do blunt damage. [color=Aqua]- Tsunami:[/color] The user curls in on themselves, drawing water from the area around them, and even themselves. After a few seconds, they unfurl, raising their arms up high. A wall of water rises before them and moves forward in a massive wave of destruction, knocking over and washing away anything in its path. This spell consumes a lot of magical energy and has the potential to level small towns. Users beware to only use as a last resort as it may leave caster unconscious.[/hider] [b][color=Aqua]Magic Rank:[/color][/b] A [b][color=Aqua]Equipment:[/color][/b] N/A [center][b][color=Aqua]Strengths:[/color][/b] [color=6ecff6][b][u]Hydromancer:[/u][/b][/color][/center] Her water magic allows her to manipulate water around her as well as magically generate water. That is not the sum of it though. There are a few water spells that come naturally to her, casted like flexing a muscle. Spells of note for this are mostly just self-impacting ones, that help her swim deeper and stay under for extended periods of time. Water responds a bit more fluidly to her than other water casters, and she can manipulate water cast by other spell wizards; she hasn’t had the opportunity to see if she can manipulate a celestial’s water magic or a Sea Dragon’s water magic, but she’s interested to see if that’s the case too. [center][u][color=6ecff6][b]Friendly:[/b][/color][/u][/center] Ria loves to make friends, and just generally be around others. Whether it’s seeing someone looking down and wanting to cheer them up, or just giving them a person to be with, she doesn’t like seeing others alone. She likes to do things for others, and generally enjoys participating in whatever activity friends or those she chooses to associate with at the moment are doing. [center][color=6ecff6][u][b]Supportive/Helpful:[/b][/u][/color][/center] She likes to help others, whether it be with supporting them in difficult decisions or sticking to getting better with spells. Despite her ditzy/aloof appearance, she understands a lot about the core concept of how different types of magic work, and techniques to make a particular type of magic work better. She’s not as effective at teaching, say, a wook-maker mage at casting as another wood-maker mage might, but she certainly knows enough to help the other wizard improve. She also just generally likes helping out and working with others, whether it’s just dealing with day to day things or a job or whatever. She feels it’s everyone’s job as part of the guild to help one another out, and it’s just being a good citizen to help when help is needed. [center][color=6ecff6][u][b]Upbeat/Positive/Cheerful:[/b][/u][/color][/center] Believe it or not, like it or not, Ria is a metaphorical ray of sunshine. It isn’t just being friendly. She rarely is seen without a smile on her face or a bounce in her step. She always tries to look on the bright side of things even in the most dire of circumstances. This energy she does try to share with others, and is ever willing to help with figuring out what’s good about a bad experience. [center][b][color=Aqua]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] [color=6ecff6][u][b]Ditzy/Aloof[/b][/u][/color][/center] She appears to be an airhead. She generally has a lot of things going on in her head, that she can be a bit forgetful. She means well, and definitely doesn’t want to forget important things, but some things just slip through the cracks. Not just dates and times of important things, but maybe not paying attention to her surroundings (not necessarily to trip, but not notice someone flirting, or being uncomfortable because she got too close, etc). She usually apologizes, but it doesn’t keep it from happening again. So she leaves notes to herself, and - while there is an organizational system for everything she writes down - it kinda looks just as chaotic as her thoughts. [center][color=6ecff6][u][b]Insomnia:[/b][/u][/color][/center] She doesn’t like to talk about it, to the point of refusal if someone won’t allow her to just brush off the concern, but she has trouble sleeping. She’s always had trouble sleeping ever since she was little, and while it got worse since their village was destroyed by demons, Ria refuses to let herself delve too deep into why. But sleep comes infrequently at best. Enough that it’s never physically evident she has difficulty falling and staying asleep. She’d rather deal with insomnia than whatever is causing it. [center][color=6ecff6][u][b]Selfless:[/b][/u][/color][/center] While some would find this a strength, she understands it’s not. She puts others before herself, and sometimes neglects her own wellbeing while being concerned over how someone else is doing. Whether it’s making sure everyone else has eaten before she finally serves herself, or helping someone even if she really should probably sit and rest. Some of this reckless behavior is mitigated from others noticing what she’s doing and convincing her to think of herself first, but often it’s so subtle it’s noticeable. But this is always done with a smile, so does it really hurt anyone? [center][color=6ecff6][u][b]Represses the Bad:[/b][/u][/color][/center] Negative wasn’t acceptable from her; she had to be the good child, the quiet one. The one that no one had to think about twice. Good wasn’t because people were looking at her, good was because there was more focus put elsewhere. So she suppressed sadness. She made herself believe that she was happy. She won’t let herself dwell on the negative and buries anything that makes her feel anything but happy beneath layers of telling herself it’s fine. It’s second nature to her at this point, to shrug off a wrong done against her with a smile and a carefree “don’t worry about it”; what’s one more thing buried deep down? Because of this, she doesn’t really cope with her own negative feelings. Whenever something starts to creep up, feeling angry or sad, she shoves those feelings down into the “doesn’t bother me” zone. There, all the bad feelings go to - well most would hope - die, but really they just fester. Sure, one day they may break through the carefully crafted cage, but for now - it’s holding strong so no need to try to process the bad. [center][color=6ecff6][u][b]Workaholic:[/b][/u][/color][/center] Perhaps workaholic isn’t the proper term, but Ria doesn’t like to sit idle. She constantly pushes herself to stay busy, whether it’s helping around the guildhall or around town she is looking to do [i]something[/i]. If no one needs help, she strives to socialize, or draw, or read, or garden, or shop. Just anything to keep her doing something. [b][color=Aqua]Personality:[/color][/b] The first thing most people notice about her is that Ria tries to always be courteous and cheerful, loving to be around people almost as much as she likes wide open spaces and anything shiny or brightly colored. A fan of anything upbeat, she can often be seen dancing or heard singing (usually both) out by the shore and around town, and generally moves with a skip in her step. She’s generally reliable, and cares deeply for those in her guild, and those in her town in general, and will do anything for them. She doesn't like to see people upset and will often go out of her way to try to cheer someone up. She often seems like a bit of a ditz - forgetful, aloof, and perhaps even a bit naive. There are still simple things that are common sense to others she often overlooks - like privacy, personal space, and basic decency; some see it as her ditzy ways, but it’s more the childish naivety of not understanding other people may have different comfort levels than her, and her desperate desire to be around others. While not everyone gains automatic trust, if she sees someone she trusts trusting someone else - she’ll be quick to trust that person. It can be easy to manipulate her, a soft word and a bit of kindness goes a long way, especially if presented with options where one choice is clearly going to be best for more. [b][color=Aqua]History/Bio:[/color][/b] Younger, ditzy sister of Gwendolyn Gospel. Where Gwen was forced to follow their father’s demon slayer legacy, Ria was pretty much ignored by their father, she was seen to carry on their mother’s legacy. With a lot of focus being on making sure Gwen could carry out the family’s legacy, the focus turned to her was to be a well behaved child - a fly on the wall, so to speak. She told herself she wasn’t resentful of the attention Gwen got, because the trials her sister went through to prove herself looked so awful compared to the handful of teaching sessions she received for her own spells, but that was just the start of the lies she started telling herself. Regardless of the jealousy she hid from herself, she loves her sister deeply and never let any enmity come between them growing up and playing together when they could. For a long time she pushed herself to grow stronger magically to prove to their parents she was just as talented as her sister. By the time they were teens, she started to fall into severe self doubt over just how powerful she was. All her spells were never good enough. She spent more and more time away from home where she didn’t have the reminder of just being around their parents that Gwen was the better mage between them, that her spells would never be strong enough. Their village being ravaged by demons didn’t change anything for her much. With so much doubt in her powers, she kept making the wrong decisions on which spells to use to help. She unleashed powerful blasts to help chase some of the demons off, but took down a home in the process; attempts to put out fires turned houses into rubble. Just another failure in a long line. And another memory shoved deep down. By the time she and Gwen found each other in the chaos after the demon attack, Ria had told her sister she only just got back to town to see the destruction; she has reiterated it enough to have convinced herself she wasn’t present for the destruction. Joining Fenixtear has made it easier for Astoria to believe her own lies. She has adjusted well to the busy life of assisting around the guild and town. As she is quite content with the status quo of life in the guild, and thinks that the setting is good for her sister as well. [b][color=Aqua]Extra:[/color][/b] Astoria prefers to go by the nickname Ria, just like her sister. She collects shiny stones and jewelry, and enjoys gardening. She prefers skirts and dresses to pants; in fact, she only has two pairs of pants and two pairs of shorts in her entire wardrobe. Everything else is skirts, dresses, and nice blouses/tops to go with them. She generally avoids dark colors, but not to the point of exclusion. She does wear a hair tie around her wrist despite having short hair; when she is anxious or upset, or even sad, she plays with it even as she lies and says she’s fine with a smile on her face. Her favorite food is strawberries (and you better believe she grows them in the garden!)[/hider] [hider=Kaden] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1e/39/91/1e399168fb931a0598d72d8d68466f0b--manga-guy-anime-guy.jpg[/img] [b][color=OrangeRed]Name:[/color][/b] Kaden Penderghast [b][color=OrangeRed]Age:[/color][/b] 21 [b][color=OrangeRed]Guild Mark Location:[/color][/b] Left side, just above hip, [color=DarkRed]Dark Red[/color] [b][color=OrangeRed]Magic Type:[/color][/b] Elemental Magic; Elemental Conversion. Elemental Conversion is a transmutation magic that Kaden has been working on. At its core, the magic utilizes the mage’s ability to - as the name implies - convert an element into another element. Generally speaking this has mostly been applied in combat situations, deflecting an element being used against the mage and redirecting it back at the original caster in a different form. Given the core nature of the magic, the mage utilizing it needs to have experience in both the element’s starting form and the ending form. [b][color=OrangeRed]Spells:[/color][/b] [hider=List][color=OrangeRed]- (Sucking/Expelling) Vortex:[/color] Sucking Vortex: The user summons up a tornado with them at the center. The wind is strong enough to pull things that aren’t secured in from up to twenty feet away and can be maintained with concentration. Expelling Vortex is the inverse of Sucking Vortex. User creates a tornado of wind that pushes out from their palm. Lasts for only a few moments but has enough force to launch someone a few dozen feet into the air or just sending them tumbling backwards. Mostly useful for quickly knocking someone away from user. [color=OrangeRed]- Aeria Dome:[/color] The user creates a dome, lowering the oxygen within the affected area and as a result, suffocating all inside due to the lack of oxygen in the environment; as the pressure has been altered inside the dome, those within it experience a sharp pain in their ears. [color=OrangeRed]- Calamitous Lightning:[/color] The user rushes at the target and releases a large burst of lightning from their fist as they strike, sending the energy into the target at point blank range. [color=OrangeRed]- Lightning Strike:[/color] The user raises their hand over their head and summons up a large ball of electricity. The user then directs the electricity with the hand they had raised, effectively turning the ball of electricity into a highly charged bolt of lightning. [color=OrangeRed]- Razor Bolts:[/color] The user crosses their arms over their chest and summons up lightning around their body. Uncrossing their arms shoots dozens of bolts of lightning out from them, striking anything in their path that can cut or pierce objects as if the bolts of hot energy were hot blades. [color=OrangeRed]- Firestorm[/color]: User summons up fire and heat around them. The fire starts spinning into a whirlwind as it builds into the sky. Clouds will start to form overhead, resonating with thunder and streaks of lightning. Upon calling out the spell’s name, the whirlwind of flames and heat will expand from around the user up to 100 feet away from them at the center. Bolts of lightning will rain down from the clouds. The tornado of flames can be powerful enough and hot enough to caution others from approaching, but does not prevent it. The spell is a taxing combination of the three elements; users advised to use sparingly, and cannot use other spells while this is charging. [color=OrangeRed]- Flame Cannon:[/color] User generates balls of fire in both their hands then brings them together, aimed in a direction they wish to shoot the flames. The flames shoot out with such force as to knock the target back with great force and injure them from both the impact of the attack and the heat of the flames. [color=OrangeRed]- Burning Fist:[/color] User summons fire around their fist, and uses it to punch the target with great force. [color=OrangeRed]- Flame Tornado:[/color] By spreading their arms and summoning up fire in front of them, the user then pushes their arms outward in front of them and launches a swirling vortex of hot air at their target. This tornado can toss lightweight debris into the air and light easily ignitable objects on fire; it can do a lot of damage both from the intense heat and sending the target into the sky, which will cause them to fall back to the ground when the tornado dissipates and create its own problems if the target cannot slow/stop their fall or cushion their landing. [color=OrangeRed]- Elemental Conversion: (element) to (element):[/color] Difficult to use, harder to master - this spell allows the user to redirect an element while converting it into another element. The further from the base element the attack is converted, the more difficult it is to do and the more magic it takes to convert it. [/hider] [b][color=OrangeRed]Magic Rank:[/color][/b] S [b][color=OrangeRed]Equipment:[/color][/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ab/64/39/ab6439e84841b99d5c707ef1d846f1b2.jpg]Buckler[/url] - Holder magical Shield (wristband that expands into a shield. Can take a single heavy hit or a few milder hits before the item needs to recharge.) Knuckle Dusters - normal metal knuckle dusters to help him land a harder hit without magic [b][color=OrangeRed]Strengths:[/color][/b] [u][color=tomato][b]Determined:[/b][/color][/u] Whether it’s trying to learn a new magic, or trying to solve a problem, once he puts his mind to something, Kaden isn’t willing to let anything get in his way to accomplish it. He puts his whole self into any undertaking, and doesn’t let anyone stop him from achieving his goal. [u][color=tomato][b]High Endurance/Combat Training:[/b][/color][/u] A lot of magical prowess allows him to keep using magic and use stronger magic than others might expect from him, but it isn’t everything to a fight. Kaden has trained a lot to be able to continue fighting after he’s used up his magic. The training wasn’t just to be able to fight without his magic, but to take a hit and keep going. Oh, it hurts, but you gotta ignore the pain and keep going to get the job done - and that’s what he learned to do. [u][color=tomato][b]Creative:[/b][/color][/u] Whether it’s a matter of finding a solution to a problem, or just ways to kill time, Kaden doesn’t usually do things the way most people might approach a problem. He’s more apt to improvise in a fight than come up with a steadfast plan. But it’s not just combat. He secretly is quite fond of drawing and if there’s nothing happening there’s a chance he might be found hanging out in a garden or park drawing or painting instead of trying to pick up his next bedmate. [u][color=tomato][b]Helpful:[/b][/color][/u] It might not look like it, but he does like helping others out. As much as he loves to fight, if he realizes someone’s looking to get stronger, he’ll be the one offering to train more with them. His bits of encouragement might not come off as...well...nice or encouraging, but sometimes it’s just because he knows more about how to be a dick than an actual nice person. [b][color=OrangeRed]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] [u][color=tomato][b]Egotistical/Overconfident:[/b][/color][/u] It isn’t enough that he is strong. He hasn’t met a task he hasn’t been 100% sure he could accomplish. It does happen to mean losses hurt more than they should when he fails, but it also means he’ll keep fighting even when better sense says not to. It’s what drives him in a fight, and most of why he’ll keep pushing himself until he can’t move any more. [u][color=tomato][b]Inattentive ADHD:[/b][/color][/u] Kaden’s attention is fleeting at best. When it comes to a fight he can stay focused, but when the excitement is low he has trouble staying on task. His mind drifts often, especially when it comes to complicated things. If someone expects him to be able to follow a plan, they’re better off expecting him to improvise his part and just calculate for what he might do instead; any plan that involves him following it will be abandoned after the first part. [u][color=tomato][b]Ruthless:[/b][/color][/u] He likes to think it takes a lot to ruffle his feathers, but that might just be because he expects people to not take his insults to heart and thus doesn’t take anything anyone else says to heart. The same cannot be said for actions. If someone tresspasses against him or his, he will seek retribution 100 fold. Getting on his bad side is a mistake people make only once. [u][color=tomato][b]Fearless:[/b][/color][/u] Some call it a good thing, but most that have seen someone that is truly fearless know it's not. Kaden doesn’t seem to have anything he’s afraid of, or at least doesn’t act like he does. He will run headfirst into a fight if no one has a better idea to start it, and is willing to throw himself in the way of a hit so someone else won’t take it. Deep down, it’s because he isn’t afraid of what might happen to him. It’s what might happen to someone else if it’s [i]not[/i] him that scares him. If he isn’t the one to die, it means someone else is - and that’s not acceptable. So he puts on the front and is willing to do the dirtiest stuff, take the worst blows, if it means nothing bad will happen to someone else. [b][color=OrangeRed]Personality:[/color][/b] First and foremost, he’s a cocky bastard. That’s not to say he’s not a nice guy or thoughtful, but he is arrogant when it comes to a lot of things, and most things turn into a competition for him. Most times he’s looking for something fun to do, which can typically involve flirting or picking fights or even both at the same time. He loves to socialize, but on his terms. He has a short attention span if something boring is going on and is prone to wandering off in search of something more interesting to do. He can be a bit of a hothead sometimes, but that goes hand in hand with his impulsive behavior, but it takes a special kinda person to get truly get under his skin. Following that up, he’s a massive flirt, looking to chat it up with really any female; he’s not too picky when it comes to physical appearance and more looking for a challenge or someone with a sense of humor/fun edge to her. If you can get past the cocky exterior, he is a decent guy...some of the time. He does genuinely care about those in his guild, and doesn’t like to see harm come to anyone that either can’t handle it or doesn’t deserve it. On a mission, it means letting himself get distracted to keep some of the weaker fighters safe. Around the guild, it’s trying to play off that he’s an asshole instead of giving a damn about anyone on a personal level. If people knew he had a soft spot, it could be exploited - at least that’s what he wants to convince himself because it's what makes some of the more powerful Saints so dangerous. [b][color=OrangeRed]History/Bio:[/color][/b] Life was weird for him. He knew growing up that the people taking care of him were his aunt and uncle. He only saw his father when missions brought him that way. Which sparked a desire to learn when he was old enough to understand and practice magic. Every time his father stopped by, he’d insist on being able to train a bit more. Until he was ten and his father finally relented to the fact the kid had potential, and brought him to his home in Oshibana. There, he was able to get more training, and get better training. A lot of that training was just him harassing others into fighting him so he could get tougher, but he also started experimenting with magic. He started applying for Steel Hydra, to be in the guild with his dad, when he was 12. After months of the other mages teaching him just how unskilled he was - and him getting better at fighting and stronger at magic in the process - he finally got accepted at 14. He hadn’t thought twice about joining the guild. It was perfect for a stepping stone - two wizard saints, and plenty of missions to hone his skills. It was the fact he was always being compared to his father - not as strong, not as smart - that kept egging him on to take the tougher missions, to keep learning to be better. He transferred to the hall based in Crocus when he was 17, after being able to afford his own place and hoping to find his own niche that didn’t have him still in his father’s footsteps. That was where his Conversion magic came into play. After learning to merge elements - [i]Firestorm[/i] - he began to experiment in crossing them. It gave him some separation from his father’s skill but not enough for him to be happy. Then he heard about the nothing guild from Crocus that destroyed a dragon. A DRAGON! Something he hadn’t been allowed to take for a mission in Steel Hydra because he wasn’t a slayer. This “traditional guild” was going to be his ticket to being noticed. So he decided to resign from Steel Hydra to join up with this new guild and see what they had to offer. [b][color=OrangeRed]Extra:[/color][/b] He has a few scars that he likes to show off and tell people the stories of how he got it. He aspires to be a God of Ishgar - screw just being a Saint.[/center] [/hider] [hr] [i][b][u][h3]NPCs[/h3][/u][/b][/i] [hider=Markovis Penderghast][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e5/ac/75/e5ac75435f45174a45a05538e3758b74.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200705/101fae6839bccd61bdde920e97897290.png[/img][/center] [b][u][color=mediumblue]Full Name[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent]Markovis Penderghast[/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=mediumblue]Age[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent]43[/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=mediumblue]Mage Rank[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent]S Rank[/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=mediumblue]Magic[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Darkness_Magic][color=mediumblue]Darkness Magic[/color][/url] and [url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Heavenly_Body_Magic][color=mediumblue]Heavenly Body Magic[/color][/url][/indent][/indent] [b][u][color=mediumblue]Description[/color][/u][/b] [indent][indent]Currently a member of Black Curtain, Markovis is the father of recent inductee to Fenixtear, Kaden Penderghast. He is a rather stoic individual, who sees little point in wasting words when action will do. He prides resilience and resolve over endurance and strength, and only wishes to see the best for himself and his son. It’s why he has difficulty showing approval over the amazing feats Kaden has done and accomplished in such a short time - surpassing what he’d done in the same timeframe. His current stint in Steel Hydra isn’t his first. Markovis had a drive to get better at magic when he was young and his father used it as part of a small crafting guild. Of course, like his son and himself, he and his father had a gift for different magics. His father saw the potential in his use of Darkness Magic and sent him off to train with a friend to get better. Markovis didn’t think twice about the opportunity, and it was to be many years before he came back home. The first was when he was 15, after he joined Steel Hydra and had a job that brought him to the village. So began a tradition of every year getting at least one job that brought him close to home to visit. His power improved greatly, constantly working to get stronger and get more jobs. His name gaining renown earned him the attention of Black Curtain, and an offer to join when he was 21. It was another offer he didn’t hesitate to take. It was on a mission for Black Curtain that he ended up coming across a woman that would happen back into his life a little under a year later - when he was 24 - with a responsibility neither were prepared for but he wasn’t going to refuse. Markovis wasn’t exactly fatherhood material then. Not that he is now, but he did try his best while he and Kaden were more intrinsically part of each other’s lives. So, when he had this baby thrust upon him with little desire for further contact from the mother, he turned to his family. His older sister had married off and they were doing well enough that they agreed to help take care of the baby. The tradition of visiting at least once a year continued for several years, until his family made sure to note Kaden’s growth in magic, and his budding determination to be strong like dad. It wasn’t until Kaden was 9 that he realized he needed to get safer work, where he could take over being supportive of his son’s growth. So he quit Black Curtain and went back to working for Steel Hydra. When he was thoroughly established once again and steady, he had Kaden move in with him and started overseeing his development. All the while he grew in strength, and watched his son’s determination to follow his steps of growing stronger as well. He tried, through it all, to be a good father but it appeared to only look like judgement to many - as he was told - and attempts to do better than that, such as taking Kaden on missions far too dangerous for the boy and any of his younger guildmates, seemed to help with that. When Kaden left for Crocus, it wasn’t really discussed as to why. Markovis knew - he’d seen it in the way others spoke to his son, which he didn’t pay mind to since it seemed to help drive the boy to do bigger and better magic - it had to do with him and his shadow. They left on relatively good terms, even exchanging calls every so often. It didn’t take long for Steel Hydra to feel too small for him. The jobs were easy and safe for him - there was no challenge - and he didn’t need that any more. Two years ago, the wizard reached back out to Black Curtain, and rejoined. He has made even more of a name for himself since he last was in the guild, and caught the attention of stronger bodies within the nation. For now, he’s content with his work...but opportunity to grow and improve further - to showcase his strength - is always out there. [/indent][/indent][/hider][/center]