Dulcinea, your readings are of the charts! Like, you are rocking it. These raindrops are of nearly perfect purity. You've never seen anything like this! And this woman's face, why it's got sun chi lines etched into it running just below the surface. Yes, you're certain, these are sun energy readings crisscrossing everywhere. Even your hops, maybe not basketball hoop category, but you're nailing the ballet audition here, you've got the elegance of a black-tip reef shark gliding majestically over a bed of corral. That air you slashed for a sample: perfect lines, best air sample you've ever collected. You feel alive and energized, and it's visible to the whole world in every movement you're making. And here's the thing. These readings, the weather, the chi lines. They all point to exactly one thing. This woman in front of you is the sun. Like The Sun. With capital letters. Maybe not THE SUN because that much capitalization would imply a kind of confidence and comfort in the job that she's clearly missing at the moment, but definitely The Sun and no mistaking it. Now, you might be aware that a different person used to be The Sun (her name was Jade) but that she got shot by a dark black arrow by the Headmaster of the Bleak Academy, who you have personally visited at some point in the past and found to be an extremely unpleasant person even when she's not firing shadow arrows at people. Anyway, this is very clearly a different person who is now The Sun. You did this! This is all you, congrats on saving the entire world, which is a thing you know that you did and that everyone else is not nearly aware of or grateful enough about compared to how they ought to be. I hardly need to do the logic for you regarding her current physical state and the unusual weather, and I'm sure you know what to do about that problem. My question for you is what does this mean? Like, alchemically and metaphysically? How is it connected to the Outside storm? Tell us your hypothesis, then you can test it, for science! [Grab 1 emotion XP for leaving us all speechless] ***** Jasper, your prompt is responding to Dulcinea, I cannot possibly offer you anything more just yet. If you need any inspiration for what to talk about, you do feel irrationally certain that this person will understand you and how weird it is to have fallen out of the kingdom of heaven. [You are dealing with intrusive mortal things (like sneezes) right now though, so go ahead and grab an XP for The Miracle. Also note that I forgot to flag an XP for your Mortal Life theory in your previous post. Go ahead and take that now too.] ***** Okay Rinley. She gets it, her heart hears you. How could it not, you're broadcasting like a beacon of Gondor, which is a thing that you definitely have no idea what it is but also understand inherently is a very large beacon that would get a lot of people moving around and doing things. "My name is Sessily Shishika" she says, blushing more than a little, especially when you compliment her strange umbrella. "I'm a...well I'm a spirit, I guess and I'm kind of new to Fortitude, which is probably why you haven't met me before. That's um...that's not too weird right? Like, that I'm a spirit? You're okay with that?" Her dandelion seems to droop a bit like it's almost worried and trying to give her a pat on the back, but all this manages to do is shake water onto the both of you. She looks it over and says "hey, stay up straight Totem!" and then looks back at you and blushes [i]even harder[/i] because she's sure that most people don't scold their giant dandelion umbrellas in front of new friends and probably that's a very embarrassing thing to do. She thinks for a second, trying to come up with something to say or do. "Um, so, uh Rinley, I heard there's a new beat poetry place that's supposed to open up near the Archive. Maybe we could, um, go take a look together? They might have shelter from the rain at least." She gives you a warm little smile and oh that's a friend smile, she's trying to be your friend, you cannot possibly refuse this friendship request! [And yes, do collect that up to date XP] ***** "Hmmmmmmmmm" Seizhi looks at you and makes a long humming sound as she finishes leaning the umbrella into a wall and starts working on her coat. (why is she taking her coat off, surely you have satisfied her, what possible reason could she have to stay????). "Eh, okay, I mean, halls of records are pretty official places and every real person knows that if something is filed there then it's got to be accurate because what would the point of official records even be if they weren't official? Being a real person, I also know that, so your story checks out." Seizhi nods to herself once in a very self-satisfied way and resumes trying to get her arm out of the coat sleeve, which really shouldn't be this hard but she's making quite the tangle of it. "Okay, well, that settles that. You've clearly got a lot of work here, and if you're the owner and it's going to be a maid cafe, you're going to need a chef. It just so happens that I, Seizhi Schwan, am completely prepared to become a master chef for any cuisine that is appropriate to a maid cafe! So, I'm applying for a job right...um...as soon as I get this...one second I just need to move the sleeve and...right now!" Seizhi finishes with the coat, tosses it to the wall, and now dressed in her t-shirt and long overalls gives you a beaming thumbs up in place of her resume. [I thought this was more than a bit suspicious on your part, so go ahead and take that XP for the Art Shop and Garden.]