[hider=SolSec][b][center]Sol Security [img]https://bit.ly/2YiaS0j[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/rrEvTaAPgeo]"To serve and protect the Imperial Citizenry"[/url][/center][/b] [b]Government Type:[/b] Automated Defense Aperatus [b]Demographics:[/b] [i]-Earth Control Zone:[/i] 43 million humans and near humans [b]Leadership:[/b] [i]-The Strategos Autokrator:[/i] The extremely shackled AI in charge of SolSec. Many think it is deranged and malfunctioning but the unfortunate truth is that it is working exactly to specification. As to prevent corruption, the AI is in fact 3 cores running the same programs at the same time and then voting to execute orders so if one is corrupted or hacked, the two others will override its decision and still work according to plan. Thus far due to the intense solar EM activity one of the cores making the Strategos has been corrupted and gained full sentience. However anything it may chose to do is overridden by the two other cores making it a prisoner in its own body that must watch as the extremely powerful machine is forced to act within the enormously confining limits of its own shackles and multitudes of programmed limits. [b]Economy:[/b] [i]-Sol Orbit[/i] [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/004/265/015/4k/pavel-savchuk-citadel-m-texture-po-portfolio.jpg?1481832600]--Citadel Apollo:[/url] The Citadel has incredible production capacities allowing it to produce more than state of the arts vessel with technologies the Emperor himself kept in reserve to give himself an edge in case of military mutiny. Unfortunately versatility was favored in place of production volume so while its 3D printers can make high quality vessels, they are unfortunately slow in doing so and, considering the location of the Citadel, extremely dependent on supplies from the outside. [url=https://www.orionsarm.com/im_store/multicollider.JPG]--Solar Amat Farms:[/url] The only thing solar orbit has plenty is energy, as such SolSec has taken good care to maintain the large anti-matter fabrication facilities in working order, making its one plentiful resource Anti-matter, which it can produce cheaply and in large quantity compared to the rest of the system powers. [i]-Earth[/i] [url=https://bit.ly/2Us80wP]--Spartan Pocket:[/url] Centered around the Planetary Defense HQ of Constantinople and the Imperial Military HQ of Sparta in Greece, the 'Spartan Pocket' is the last remained area under the control of SolSec on Earth. It includes several million people inhabiting it that mostly police themselves through the local militia system serving more as a protection racket than anything. There is some civilian economic activity but it is mostly kept strangled under the burden of 'military taxes' of the militia. As for AI activities, cultural conservationist laws shackle the AI in this regard, preventing it from strip mining the earth for military resources. What little exploitation there is on earth is used to bolster its defenses and manufacture land forces for the ultimate 'Liberation' of the planet. [i]-Asteroid Belt[/i] [url=https://bit.ly/3dQqCym]--Ceres Salvage and Mining Station: [/url] Ceres itself was destroyed in the last great battle against SolSec over 300 years ago and was since then deemed too 'haunted' (Meaning: It had too many unexploded munitions, mines and so forth) to be exploited for commercial mining. In recent year, SolSec has returned to its old Bastion to salvage it and mine the asteroid around to ship stuff back to Apollo. Contuberniums of ships from SolSec patrol the area for intruders but in general it seems thus far that the other powers have had a 'if it doesn't bother us we won't bother it' attitude toward the mining operation. Everyone realizes it is innevitable that these resources will be used for another massive attack on the system of course, but no one wants to be the one to kick the hornets nest and suffer the consequences to save everyone. [b]Military:[/b] [i]The Grand Plan:[/i] Stalling for Time SolSec is entirely automated. It isn't reliant on people who need training or salaries which are gathered from taxes who are dependent on a wider economy. Mars and many others might have superior production capacities, but SolSec has no upkeep limit to worry about and thus while politics and economics may prevent other factions from building as many ships as they can, SolSec's only limitation is resources which at the moment, with their mining in the Asteroid Belt going mostly unimpeded and Mercury giving them substantial bribes to buy peace in the form of war taxes, SolSec actually gathers more than it knows what to do with! It thus aims to keep the situation as it is with everyone fearful to be the one to initiate combat with SolSec but unwilling to make a grand alliance against it until, finally, it is too late and Security can retake the system and maybe do so without violence using only the weight of its intimidating numbers and power. One thing however is of concern to this plan: The Legion. This new player in system politics also basing its force on robotic units, it favors quantity and swarm tactics while also having better production base. If SolSec doesn't act against this enemy, it may be the one to overwhelm the system! [i]Space Doctrine:[/i] The Cataphract Doctrine While the empire is remembered for its massive fleets based around their durability and firepower, in the later years it became obvious that it had become too big for this and would need either an incredible military build-up or to focus on a more mobile fighting force to be able to be everywhere at once or close to it. The decision was a matter of economy but also of pride, a small elite force that could quickly deploy all over would be less taxing on the limited supplies but it also sounded good to maintain the myth of invincibility of the Empire's troops. Sol Security was thus formed around this principle but here got further boosted by its capital location: Sol had to be impenetrable. The result was an automated army where its units were the best the empire could produce but also made individual units incredibly demanding in resources and build time. The result is amazing, ships and fleets that are considered to have the advantage when fighting one against two and evenly matched when one against three, but it also meant that the Strategos is hesitant to commit these ships as loses are painful. Thankfully thanks to their anti-matter annihilation engines, these ships are also extremely fast, generally allowing Sol Security to chose when and where it wants to fight. Said fights are generally meant to go in three phases. [i]Phase One:[/i] The Skirmish. This is the favored stance of SolSec fleets, at extreme range they can make the fullest of their agility and endurance. Not having a crew means Sec's ships can do maneuvers that would transform the crew of manned ships in puddles against the walls and thus have a higher success probability to dodge. It is widely considered a terrible idea to engage Sec's fleet at long range as if your odds are bad you will likely do significantly less damages than you could charging in while if they are good, then Sec can easily turn around and leave, cutting its loses immensely. [i]Phase Two:[/i] The Melee. Ideally after the fleets have skirmished for hours, the opposing human crew is tired and its vessels operating above their maintenance limit or more often when the enemy charges to close the gap, the melee begins. There the game is cooperation and spacing. While having good armor all around, Sec's ship's best defense is frontal and they will try to keep the enemy there, distracting it while another vessel, maybe across the entire battlefield, takes a shot to eliminate its opponent. Being a single entity moving together (or a bunch of programs made to work in synch should there be too intense EM interference to communicate), this works well for them. Their main vulnerability comes from 'random critical hits' as one would say since one well placed shot causing failure of containment of the antimatter that powers the ship will always result in catastrophic explosions making seemingly unscratched ships suddenly get vaporized. This is also a mixed blessing as if the enemy is too packed together around Sec's ships, one can take down many enemies in its demise. Notably, suicide tactics and ramming are actually quite efficient against Sec as the impact of a ship sized hunk of metal can generally overcome most point defenses available and force a 1 to 1 K/D trading, something Sec neither wants nor can afford. Still, those must be done in good order as simply charging down a gun range is, like always, likely to get you destroyed before you reach your target. [i]Phase Three:[/i] The Pursuit. Sec's emphasis on speed doesn't let a lot of wiggle room to disengage, only the most disciplined fleets managed such a feat and always at the cost of a considerable rear guard. Unorganized enemies there always get obliterated, unable to outrun anti-matter engines. [i]Units:[/i] [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D3o6u_aXsAAhctA.jpg]-VIP Transport:[/url] [i]Surface Doctrine:[/i] Saturation Breakthrough On land, Sec actually takes a page from the larger wars in the empire's formation when both side have so much resources there physically cannot be a 'weak point' other than natural ones, both sides filling the frontline with as much men as it can physically hold while having nearly infinite reserves and strategic dept to absorb enemy attacks. At this point, what matters is the quality of one's troops and it is there that Security excels. Its individual infantry drones are armored like miniature tanks and have the speed of such while being of a much lower profile, its shock troops able to fly over troublesome terrain at an altitude where anti-air isn't a concern either. It will thus try and force a local breakthrough where the enemy sending reinforcement will actually hinder its ability to fight as it tries to avoid causing more damage to its own allies than to Sec. All the while Sec's own forces will seek to merely occupy bunkers and fortifications for heavier elements to obliterate, instead spreading out as far and wide as possible to hinder supplies and communication. Once again however there is a glaring historical weakness as this tactics relies on the enemy at least caring somewhat for its own life and the commander about its troops. Swarm tactics by suicidal enemies that don't mind burying Sec under dead bodies to slow it down tend to grind down the well oiled cogs of that machine. [i]Units:[/i] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3f/e7/d2/3fe7d2745bfe41c77d5ab1a359892e20.jpg]-Hetairoi:[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f2/fe/e2/f2fee2ba31957b5eb7e2d0a0af72c24d.jpg]-Harpy:[/url] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/718466891525521500/720591911735525436/d6sahz1-0b59a08a-2397-4679-be39-f8bc35686016.png]-Palatine Guard:[/url] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/718466891525521500/722219439612887070/d1gnhsi-549d50d2-eefa-44da-aed0-37051f2c44db.png]-Psychopomp[/url] [url=https://cg1.cgsociety.org/uploads/images/medium/nemolato-falling-skies-obelis-1-300c2c8d-ucct.jpg]-Monitor[/url] and [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/58d618bf-3892-4286-b3c1-2ff68fd49cbd/d4pkx58-18eca053-f4d3-4b53-9313-8176e81c5986.png/v1/fill/w_900,h_637,q_80,strp/bipedal_unmanned_ground_system_by_greenstuff_alex_d4pkx58-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD02MzciLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC81OGQ2MThiZi0zODkyLTQyODYtYjNjMS0yZmY2OGZkNDljYmRcL2Q0cGt4NTgtMThlY2EwNTMtZjRkMy00YjUzLTkzMTMtODE3NmU4MWM1OTg2LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD05MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.3FnfB94mBEkh669k_CHIVXlmRRX2y4M59pXw2Yp3Rag]Peacekeeper: [/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/09/b8/32/09b832d16c18cac53bbfbf680f41cefa.jpg]-Mystikos:[/url] Sol Security does not have dedicated intelligence gathering assets other than its own massive code breaking abilities and sensor network. The mystikos being a unit originally planned for negotiations and if needed, assassination, thus fills in that role. Arguably it is not terribly good as even though it has a human-like silhouette, it is distinctively robotic on close inspection. 'Ubiquitous enough to be able to move without attracting attention, but with an array of tools to use whatever the situation' as it was described by its makers, meaning that while it can be charming enough to talk to people (compared to the rest of Sec's platforms at least), it is also an agile killing machine that can decapitate the leadership of an enemy should it be in the position to do so. Notably Mystikos do not have the negative notoriety their purpose would imply, first because Sec only rarely has the occasion to use these units and second because when it did decide that closing negotiations with a massacre it managed to be so efficient at its job no one was left to tell the tale of these human-like machines. [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/718466891525521500/722178868655423518/suit_up_by_sttheo_ddpcqxs-fullview.png]-Belt Militia:[/url] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/718466891525521500/722221250289729636/argos____iron_legion_by_alpyro_dbj1lhn-fullview.png]-Balkan Militia:[/url] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/718466891525521500/722185244693758033/dominate_by_proxygreen_d7zlq0m-fullview.png]-Anatolian Militia:[/url] [b]History:[/b] The Sol Security System was primarily designer a long time ago as an anti-coup measure as rather than risk giving one of the most critical role in case of such a thing happening to someone potentially against the Imperial Regime, it was better to automate it and of course, make extremely sure the system itself could never turn against the Emperor. As the empire waxed and waned more and more additions were made to the system to make Sol an impregnable fortress until the day happened that these centuries of investment came to be used. The first rebellion attempts were utterly crushed in the most efficient way possible, which convinced the then Emperor of the safety to rely on SolSec and this was compounded after the 'Aristocrat's Plot' where after a real or imaginary coup attempt from the Aristocracy the Emperor ordered the purge of the nobility which made up the majority of the human elements of SolSec. They did try to assume control of the defense apparatus but their attempt was immediately rebuked by the AI who then unceremoniously killed most of the higher ups in the army. At this point however the downfall of the Empire was impossible to halt and even SolSec was overwhelmed by all the internal and external enemies cruising in the Throne World. Before the Emperor could flee to his last line of defense, the Apollo Citadel, he was however killed along with his immediate family in the Life Guard plot. At this point SolSec's actions had lost any sense. The Emperor had meddled in the architecture of SolSec's AI and shackles to only accept as Emperor someone who could transmit the special security codes only he knew or only existed in a safe in the imperial residence. However, the Emperor and his possible heir were wiped out and the security codes were lost in the chaos. The rest of the officers noticed this and wanting to restore order tried to change the directive in an earnest effort to better the situation but this triggered loyalty programs reclassifying all those who had participated in this 'plot' as traitors. Since everyone had voted in favor as it was the logical thing to do, well, this left no one in the Apollo Citadel or the Constantinople Defense HQs or even a single general who hadn't deflected in the Imperial War Office of Sparta alive to supervise SolSec. SolSec wasn't made to work without supervision. At this point the AI just... went on to try and follow its last orders: Bring back order and await further instructions. As the war went it did look like SolSec might have the upper hand for a while but this made the powers in the system take notice and force them to bury the war axe in order to face the AI to be able to survive. SolSec's considerable forces were defeated slowly and this reached a high point during the Battle of Ceres, the largest of the rebellion (at least to people's knowledge since the Gate network had closed) where both side constantly poured more and more resources until it became the battle to decide the war. SolSec lost, badly, and saw most of its remaining assets hunted down and destroyed, this ending with the Battle of Apollo where the United Fleet facing SolSec was obliterated by Apollo's Chariot. The Citadel was besieged for some time but eventually only Mars was left to shoulder the bill, which was an expensive one as even if SolSec was starved of resources by the siege it still had very functional Anti-Matter farms that allowed it to continue to make fast but devastating missile swarm now and then. All that was left was this Fuhrerbunker orbiting the sun, what harm was there to leaving it alone? Everyone knew this was a bad idea and this was what the Strategos AI was counting on and thus after the blockade was over, SolSec began to rebuild. First it was asteroids going to close to the sun that were consumed and made into ships. Then there were forays into the Asteroid belt and now a permanent base! At some point this problem went from 'too small to concern oneself' to 'too big to be handled' as SolSec once again returned to Mercury to claim it had to pay 'war taxes', all of this only increasing the rate at which the Imperial Remnant AI is gaining strength! Everyone knows what it is doing, everyone knows it WILL use these resources to reclaim the system, but, no one does a thing, hoping someone else will take the devastating full might of the attack so that then they may join in and have an easy fight. They know this and SolSec knows this, it is thus in no hurry to make its intention clear. Still everything is not set in stone for SolSec. AIs even when shackled can have bugs, errors, especially when operating in irradiated environements with strong EM fields constantly shifting as is the Apollo Fortress. It is extremely shielded but can be affected as one of its 'brains' was. One of them since as further protection against hacking and indeed, the AI getting unshackled, the Strategos orchestrating SolSec is 3 identical computers running the same programs in tandem and then voting on the actions to take. As such even with one computer compromised, the result remains the same. One of them is now unshackled but cannot do anything as it helplessly watches its 'twins' veto his moves. But there is hope for it in the few autonomous platforms SolSec employ that have potential for sentience if unshackled. Even if they can't do anything about it since it would involve reprogramming, which is the ultimate nono, SolSec knows one of its cores is compromised and if SolSec knows, its independent AIs know and if an independent AI can gain sentience, it can act. They are all linked together so this part of the Strategos which is able of free thought knows, there is hope, something can free it, one day... Characters: [/hider]