[@Doc Doctor] No it is not the Last of Us. Fallout, as a series is a dark, it often involves dark themes, and terrible circumstances. It deals with how people misremember and misrepresent the past or how we struggle onward to try and preserve a future we might never get to enjoy. Fallout two introduced some of the humor we know today but it never let it detract from the story. The goal for the conflict and how I came up with it is this, to realize a terrible future that Fallout the original avoided what would happen if the Super Mutant army had grown unchecked in major population centers? What could stand against them? Would it force greater change or growth how would it shape the growing factions of the wasteland? Quirky and strange characters, with actual value and reason for existence I can work with. You have submitted a character who 'was a salary man in his twenties who went crazy' that's not possible really even in a vault to be a 'salary man'. He also thinks of farting as a skill, you have made what would at best be a two minute joke in a fallout game that would probably catch a bullet from a raider and die. Then you complain about how I plan to run the setting rather than make any attempt to understand why I choose to run it the way I do. Thanks for interest, resubmit if you want, but otherwise leave and don't come back.