[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIGiHxklK38][color=fff200]Welcome to the Jungle![/color][/url] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6719/e3ef417f8e8fdf28fd33153cec02a60b3f8e3cbc_00.jpg[/img] [@Jollan] -This is interesting, she looks organic and yet I'm unable to sense a life force?- The creature, which to prying eyes would have looked like a rather odd rabbit (Were there any eyes to pry) sat lazily on a tree branch, it took a rather lazy posture as it watched with growing interest in the two new creatures that had come and landed on the planet. Was that a droid? Slowly, it extended its awareness outward and indeed did sense a spark of life, the soulful nature of a creature that wasn't just sentient but truly aware. -Remarkable!- He thought, in the two hundred and ninety seven years of his self imposed exile on Yavin Four, he'd seen many sentients and their droids come and go. Mercenaries, pirates and even a few Republic Intelligence outfits had used the ancient temples and the mausoleums as centers of operations for a myriad of different clandestine things. Were the rebels more curious, they likely would find more than just ruins, there was even a hidden hangar with three old cruisers. The creature blinked, allowing himself a moment to correct himself. They weren't revels anymore, but apparently they were calling themselves the "Restored Republic" or the "New Republic". The being had felt the shift in the force, the overwhelming darkness and even felt the death of his old master, a bittersweet passing but a rest well earned. He felt another great shift, as if a tidal wave of light had dispersed the dark and when his vision was unclouded for the first time in what must have been centuries the creature was finally aware of the extent of the manipulation. His entire reason for exile, the arrogance, the solution came to him one night as the new light began to settle and he finally freed those poor souls and wept bitterly. "I was blinded by my own darkness as much as [i]the[/i] darkness." That had been what stopped him when he felt the mistress of illusions (He'd been keenly interested in Tasaia, as a youth he'd been a keen student of all things arcane and dabbled in illusion work before he found his calling in matters of the soul. To see a true mistress of misdirection at work was a rare honor) and when he felt the burgeoning power of the Skywalker boy. What had ultimately changed his mind had been observing Luke spar with Mara and Kenth, a particular diagonal slash which had been a favorite of his old master. Had Yoda trained this youth as well? Reaching out with the force he'd gently probed the Boy's mind, subtly in a way he'd not been accustomed too and he could see the hours of frustration, exhaustion, awe, exhilaration and meditative contemplation associated with Yoda and the laugh. Ah, then perhaps I belong with them and not in exile. "Man, your sex bot is a chatty one" A female pilot remarked giving Eira a look over. She whistled then looked at the Twi'lik Commander "sophisticated this one, can pass for human most days. Guess your species is out of its number one profession huh sir?" "That's okay, we make better fighter pilots than you humies do any way and with service models looking this sophisticated, your employment prospects are gonna sssuuuuuccckkk" The pair laughed before she turned and extended a hand to Dremmick "Call me hound, your Jedi escorts should be here shortly, in the meantime, try and behave yourself, you too missy" It decided now was as good a time as any to approach, which was remarkably easy given that he was often identified as an animal. The tarmak of the ad hoc space port was annoyingly warm to the touch of his fur pads, but that resolved itself when one of the fighter pilots knelt and called him over. Ikrit shrugged and hopped into his arms "Hah this is the friendliest local I've seen in awhile, everything seems spooked lately" [@Lotrix Molick] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/98/cc/e3/98cce380a152b683ee2edd1efc8cdb78.jpg[/img] "I'm starting to realize the more I know about learn about the Sith in general the more the Emperor and his types seem like a bunch of crazed pretenders. This place, the temple, it feels like your helmet and armor in some ways I wonder how much the Jedi and Sith both lost in knowledge over the eons and if it isn't better for us to send people out to seek that knowledge out" If for any other reason, than for their own defense, Tasaia proved that when she spent several years here off and on doing whatever she pleased while only Luke was the wiser to her and only at the end. As The Farghul took her helmet back Mara clapped the woman on her ribs in thanks, green eyes shifting towards Hamner who was giving her a look that said he wanted her to keep an eye on the Felinoid, not become a partner in crime. -Funny how he insists that he's a subordinate but he gives me orders-. Amusingly she would have obeyed him in any other case, because while he kept acting like he wasn't a master, he knew more about the Jedi than anyone of them, at least of their history. -If he was more confident in his skills in the force I think he'd be Luke's number two instead of me-. There was a cynical part of her that couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't genuine humility. Hamner was a genius at the game after all and she was used to a very different sort of force user while Luke was, sometimes naive. The trio began to move Mara stopped suddenly and reached out for the nearest solid object to grab on, she caught Hamner's elbow in a vice like grip and he turned to see the redheads face pale as a Hoth wasteland. She was cold to the touch, Jade's eyes burned though, blazing with consternation and confusion. Kenth moved to question her when he suddenly felt it as well, the light had shifted, it twisted and caught ablaze and it was a sickening heat. Roaring in a way that filled him with cold, as if..yes! It was like gazing into an open reactor during a meltdown! That was exactly it, the force had never felt like this before to him and he realized there was a howl of agony as if something had been torn. "It's burning, the dark side" Mara murmured "The light is being..Force, I didn't even know this was possible" "What is this?" Hamner asked alarmed. "No idea, it's as if something ripped open the heart of the force and gathered up the living force and used it as an ignition source to shoot lightside into the dark..I'm not describing this right" "I know the feeling" Hamner murmured "Like a reactor breach in a planetary powergrid" He muttered grimly, that was one of his earliest memories from his childhood on Coru. Seeing the dead, the rad damage and the poisoned ash rising into the sky, creating a deathly pale snow of carbon, plasteel and synthcrete. She nodded "it's localized around someone, a person..a female" her eyes narrowed looking to Tasai, deferring to the one who likely had the most experience with other force using sects "Something big is coming isn't it?" "Yes" though the answer came from Luke who'd ventured out from the temple, his eyes grim something Jade had seldom seen. "But not here, it's coming to Endor. Kenth, Mara I've sent Kale and Lahana ahead to Endor. I want you to take some of our Jedi and whatever members of the Republic army that can be ready in half an hour. You must go" Hamner blinked "Endor?! But there's no way...What's there for?" "I don't know.." Luke answered honesty in his tone. "But I have been searching for two beings who had concealed themselves in the force. I think one of them has just revealed itself to me" "This thing..It's perverse" Luke nodded before turning to tasaia, eying the Farghul with some of his usual optimism returning. "I cannot command you, I wouldn't presume too either, but if you could accompany my Jedi. If you could help them, if you could lend your brand of justice to meeting this oncoming storm. I would be in your debt and you would gain a friend for life" "a couple of them" Mara murmured, rising to her full heat, finally shaking off the assault to her senses. "What about you Luke?" The Jedi shook his head, sandy blond hair swaying in the humid breeze as he did. "No, there's another force user here who is calling to me and the force surrounds the crew of the Nexu. I'm needed here" He paused then allowed a knowing smirk to come over his face "And Kenth, you're in command" "I'm not a Jedi Master" "That's just been changed" As Hamner made a move to object Luke cut him off. "no, you think you can protect me by remaining a Jedi Knight, so when you have to do something sneaky and Huttlike to force an issue before the Alliance council I can say you acted on your own. I'm not a fan of self sacrifice Kenth. At least not like that, I won't let you expose yourself to that kind of underhanded nonsense while giving you no official recognition. You cannot be a shield and a lightsaber at once. Besides" he reached up and slapped the other man's shoulder. "You've earned it" "Hah! You're one of us now" Mara grinned "Which means now you're really screwed" Turning she gave Tasaia a feral grin "So, playing interrogator would have been fun, but beating up Blasphemers sound more fun? Whad'ya say Panther..you down for some good ol'fashion carnage prevention?" -I might have made a mistake- Luke thought with an amused smile -those two are going to run wild over Endor and I'm going to end up stuck with the bill-