[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200607/e9d147e320e7f13fdb4c3fc6e7e5da91.png [/img][/center] Rose was awoken by the sound of her alarm clock beeping loudly, and her eyes flung wide open. She had been interupted from a very strange dream, involving a boat, and a man with a long nose... It had been a recurring dream she had been having for a few nights now. She didn’t know what on Earth it meant. She had been meaning to see if she could find anything about online about strange dreams, but often got caught up in schoolwork and forgot about it. The young blonde woman sat up on her bed, shut the alarm off, and yawned as she got out of bed. It was several hours before classes were scheduled to begin. She needed all the time to prepare. She took her time making herself look presentable for the day ahead. After taking a shower, getting dressed, brushing her teeth, making sure her hair was neat and tidy, and applying a tasteful amount of makeup to her face, she was finally ready to have breakfast. Nothing too difficult, just some toast and eggs. It was her second year living away from her parents, and she was finally getting the hang of preparing meals for herself. She used to burn her eggs. Now she understood the timing of removing them from the frying pan before it got to that point. Before that, she was used to waking up to extravagant meals prepared by the private chefs back home. Learning to prepare her own meals hadn’t been too difficult. It was a simple matter of following instructions... Of course, she still missed having fancy meals waiting for her after she had finished her morning routine... After she was done, she calmly walked to the University. She had woken up early enough, that she didn’t have to run there to make it to class on time. Which was good, because she usually wore heels... There was a crowd of students headed the same way she was. Incoming first years no doubt. As she was walking, Rose looked down at her Cell Phone, as she saved her class schedule on there. All of a sudden, she felt someone bump into her from behind. Rose looked up, and saw the culprit zipping past her. He seemed to be headed in the same direction she was. Rose power walked as fast as she could given her choice of footwear, and grabbed him by the wrist. [color=00a651]”I beg your pardon. But you bumped into me. I think you owe me an apology.”[/color] She got a good look at the boy. He seemed younger than her, and it looked like he didn’t bother to try to tame is fiery red hair. Two pieces of his hair were sticking straight up like ears. Could he not try to look professional for university? [@Ryteb Pymeroce]