While quite used to performing, Yobi was not so good with a bag around her legs. Sure, she almost won the race. She didn't mind at all that she didn't get first in that. Especially not to whom she lost. She wasn't going to let it bother her once she was on the beam. And clearly it didn't, since she did so well there. So it was no surprise that she shared everyone's mirth when it was time to eat, but the fact that she got to see the swallowtails would have done that even if she'd fallen flat on her face in both events. She made sure to eat the curry-spiced salmon, even though she'd seen more than enough of it only hours ago. Also unsurprising was that she was just as excited as Ameiko about...well, everything, really, but specifically about how well everything was going. "Why would you expect any different? You had my help, and I make everything better!" She said this clearly in jest; it had become somewhat of an inside joke since her first time cooking at the tavern, and ruined almost everything. She was happy she didn't have to try so hard to keep the smile on Ameiko's face. She wanted to ask if Ameiko knew anything about her father's health, but she couldn't bring herself to say it, since it would likely melt the smile away.