[quote=@Ruby] Welcome to the Guild! Let me know if you need any assistance. :sun [/quote] Thank you, I certainly will. [quote=@Hyde] Welcome to the Guild. How long have you been writing? Is there anything in particular that you're itching to write? [/quote] Thanks! I've been at it since I was little, writing stories. As for rp, I started at high school playing tabletop (it's been awhile though), then with one liners and asterisks lol. Now I am more into multi-paragraph. Looking for fantasy, school and horror roleplays as my top picks at the moment. I also had an idea for a fantasy rp I'm working on. [quote=@Naw] Greetings. [/quote] Hello there! Good to meet you. [quote=@Kuro] Welcome to the guild, [@Blushing Donkey]. [/quote] Thank you very much. I look forward to being here. [quote=@Vampiretwilight] [@Blushing Donkey] Welcome [/quote] Thanks, I appreciate this warm welcome.